Title: Endless Melody
choon_hee &
kuro_kakeru Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst
Rating: PG-13-15
Summary: Kibum was supposed to be a regular teenager, but he was bed ridden, having that slight faith that he would be able to live normally again. One day a soul reaper, Jinki, claims that he'll take away his soul.
will the both of them be able to fullfill their destiny if they continue to play an endless melody?
Part I Part IIa Part IIb
(A/N: I totally forgot to share it here. Lol... This is my very first collab fic with another author. You all know my crazy sister-in-law Tia right? Lol. So we really had fun making this so I hope you guys enjoyed reading this!! :D Ciao! <3)