Title: I’m Your Maid
Author: secretagentman
Genre: Romance, Drama; Fluff, Comedy
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Name: Kim Kibum; Age: 18 years old. Data: One of POPULAR guys in the most prestigous school in Seoul~! Everyone wants to be his friend... But he has a secret that he doesn't want anyone to know... He works as a maid at the Lee's mansion. His
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Unnie misses you so much. ;~;
yeah it's been a while since you've been writing i miss your writing and was anticipating for this to come out >< but dang...that boss guy's a ~stalker~ xD i mean seriously? taking pictures of him everywhere he goes and in the end, kidnap him?? he's ~crazy~ :) yay~!!! onkey's ALMOST coming back together!!!! hurry jinki oppa!!! kibum's waiting :O
i started taking clarinet lessons with my "teacher" who i "like" haha he's funny when he teaches but he can be serious his pay is $50 an hour. he's good teacher so no worries I'm working hard on the clarinet!! I'm learning clarinet because I want to be beside my crush! he plays the clarinet and we don't talk much so this is my opportunity!!! hahah xD I'm crazy and doing anything for love ^ ^
that all sounds good just keep up the writing good luck in school as always! FIGHTING!
Aigooooo~ Learning an instrument to get closer to your crush... I LIKE THAT!! XD XD Your unnie approves of this~!! d(>o<)b
School just ended and I have to prepare for the next schoolyear! fighting to you too~!! XD
And we have 1-3 chapters to read per subject. That's our everyday homework. Lol.
Do you get it now?? It's kinda hard to explain since our countries have different education patterns. ^.^;;
OH YEAH!!!! I FORGOT TO SAY SOMETHING ELSE!!! can't wait to read the next chapter~ take your time okay? annyong ^ ^
Naaah... It doesn't sound that bad when you're a responsible student. We just have to know our priorities. XD
Thanks bb~!! I'm still searching for my inspiration, but I've already started writing the chapter. XD
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