Mar 28, 2007 15:26

Cover art released!!! And no way is Harry dying, pleeease. The US cover art is way too bright around Harry for him to be dying. Yes, that is my reasoning. The UK art looks silly, but I've always felt that way. It just looks super silly this time.

I want it to come out but I don't want it to be over. It's so exciting and so sad at the same time :(

Edit: "I hope the final horocrux is a snitch that Harry has to play Voldemort in a game of quiddictch to catch"
^^^^YESYESYES HAHAHA^^^^ Oh voldey on a broom

AND WHY OH WHY would you have a screen saver that plays shitty rap music endlessly? I cannot think of a single reason for this. YOU AREN'T HEARING IT BECAUSE YOU AREN'T HERE, HENCE THE SCREEN SAVER. And I hate rap music above all else. The only slightly amusing part is I honestly can't tell if it's the same song playing over and over, or they all just sound exactly the same. God this shit sucks. I have a headache and would be perfectly fine with it being quiet but no, we can't be having any of that. Thank god it's only about a month left, then I'll have a single and NO FUCKING RAP MUSIC <33 or facebook lol
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