I have no idea what is wrong with me, or my brain. Every time I get a SOC (stream of conciousness) in regards to the plotline of a story, something happens, and everything changes. From Voltaire to that nameless thing... and now this. This.. whatever, I guess, has more character, and plot, but only a good quarter of it is developed (Can you say "Epic Failure"?).
It revolves around this renegade, anti-sublime organisation, called Cataclysm. It's seen post-Apocalypse, when humanity's at its worst, and man - though technologically advanced - struggles to get by. This... company (yet to be named) is partnered with this research facility (Silice), and they basically run the world. The world, by the by, has changed, and allied itself into different regions (New America, New United Kingdom, New Russia/Europe, New Africa, etc.) Cataclysm wants to bring down the partnered coporation (mainly because they are all the result of Silice's human experimentation projects), but doing so will inevitably result in anarchy (this makes them "the bad guys"). Inbetween, lots of things happen, including betrayel, death, corruption, and all that jazz. Mercenaries/experiments are sent to eliminate Cataclysm members and shortly thereafter. the group is confronted with the immorality of their (selfish) actions, as they were to be the key to acheiving a new status for man (a breakthrough in biological enhancements, immortality, self-sustainability, and whathaveyou).
In other news, it's that time of year again - LTAB. This year's team is good (Maybe better than last year's. Maybe.)
Only problem... is everything. The members: Mo, Jo, Ni, Eb, Ti and Aq are superb poets. Their poems make you think, and they all have their distinct styles; it's lovely... But... everything is just... falling apart.
Ni is technically not on the team, cos her dad's decided to cut off any form of social interaction. Aq wasn't initially on the team - LaP was, but he quit. Ke - one of the most talented poets that was in LX (name of the Poetry club) quit because he wasn't on the LTAB team. Jo, the captain, is trying really hard to hold it together, but it's not working. (If you want my honest opinion, Aq bitched her way on to the team, because she constantly and "subtly" complained about LaP and Ni's positions on the team - they just joined LX this year, whilst Aq has been a member for 2 years.) Even though Aq is on the team now, she's not contributed a thing, while Mo has contributed the most. Our Sponsor, Mrs. Be, is new (our old sponsor transferred schools) and things are different, which a few members can't seem to grasp. LX doesn't work like it did last year, and because of miscommunication between us and Mrs. Be, LX almost disbanded, because almost everyone left. While the LTAB team meets, it's just me, Ra, Ja, Keo, Ek, Mak, De and Jant. It's gotten a little better this week, but I'm honestly not sure if they'll be ready when the LTAB prelims roll around.