A Bajillion plus one!

Mar 19, 2005 18:22

Ecks Me (6:06:53 PM): omg
Ecks Me (6:06:59 PM): I got chocolate all over my pants!
Ecks Me (6:07:00 PM): ;-;
Naked Text (6:07:16 PM): awwwww
Naked Text (6:07:20 PM): CHOCOLATE PANTS!
Naked Text (6:07:21 PM): :-*
Ecks Me (6:07:43 PM): ROFL
Ecks Me (6:07:51 PM): <3 ;-; iluliekwhoayo.
Naked Text (6:08:09 PM): <3 ;[ ilumoreliekwhoayo
Ecks Me (6:08:43 PM): <3 ;[ omgyoulieliekallamaleistoapumpkincauseiloveyouthemostestliekwhoayo
Ecks Me (6:08:45 PM): oh.
Ecks Me (6:08:48 PM): punctured
Ecks Me (6:08:50 PM): like a
Ecks Me (6:08:53 PM): pwntor
Ecks Me (6:08:53 PM): <3
Naked Text (6:09:03 PM): rofl!!!!!!!
Naked Text (6:10:13 PM): <3 ilulykeamonkeylovesapenisinacanonallamasbirthdaywithapumpkinpartywhoay0ilumostest
Ecks Me (6:11:00 PM): lmao!
Ecks Me (6:11:02 PM): you cheat.
Ecks Me (6:11:03 PM): xD
Naked Text (6:11:26 PM): :-D
Ecks Me (6:12:48 PM): iluliekamonkeyluvzanehluuandwantztodonothingbutabunchofickyandsexualstufftoanothermonkeyofthesamesexandthisisn'tmakinganysenseanymoresoimmashutthehellupandtypethatiloveyouXinfinityplusoneandaddonetoeveryotherthingyousayleikwhoayopuncturelikeapwntor
Ecks Me (6:12:49 PM): <3
Ecks Me (6:12:49 PM): I win!
Ecks Me (6:12:50 PM): :D
Naked Text (6:13:29 PM): ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naked Text (6:13:39 PM): Yeah! I think you did win :'(
Naked Text (6:13:44 PM): I still love you more
Naked Text (6:13:48 PM): no matter what
Naked Text (6:13:49 PM): pwnt
Naked Text (6:13:50 PM): 8-)
Ecks Me (6:14:42 PM): lmao.
Ecks Me (6:14:43 PM): ;-; nu.
Ecks Me (6:14:47 PM): Welll.
Ecks Me (6:14:51 PM): i love you more pluz one.
Ecks Me (6:14:54 PM): 8-)
Naked Text (6:15:05 PM): rofl
Naked Text (6:15:22 PM): No matter how much you love me i'll always love you that much plus a bajillion!
Naked Text (6:15:26 PM): 8-)
Naked Text (6:15:27 PM): <3
Ecks Me (6:15:31 PM): ...
Ecks Me (6:15:36 PM): and then I'll just add one more to that!
Ecks Me (6:15:38 PM): :D
Ecks Me (6:15:45 PM): everytime you attempt to add more!
Ecks Me (6:15:46 PM): -wins-
Ecks Me (6:15:47 PM): booya!
Ecks Me (6:15:49 PM): asdf jbl
Ecks Me (6:15:50 PM): g:D
Naked Text (6:17:00 PM): rofl!
Naked Text (6:17:14 PM): but i already added a bajillion to that 1!
Ecks Me (6:18:46 PM): and I already added one to that bajillion!
Ecks Me (6:18:50 PM): PWNT!
Ecks Me (6:18:52 PM): 8-)
Naked Text (6:19:30 PM): rofl!
Naked Text (6:19:57 PM): Damn it okay you win!
Naked Text (6:19:57 PM): by 1
Naked Text (6:19:57 PM): >_>
Ecks Me (6:20:05 PM): HELL YEAH
Ecks Me (6:20:09 PM): 8-)
Naked Text (6:20:11 PM): rofl!!!
Naked Text (6:20:13 PM): :-*
Naked Text (6:20:14 PM): <333
Ecks Me (6:20:15 PM): :-*
Ecks Me (6:20:17 PM): <333

Jimi and I are such freaks. :(

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