Leap like a Frog~

Feb 29, 2012 22:34

I'm using this rare once in every four years occasion to begin posting regular entries in my journel again~
writing down everything I've been doing will take too long, and let's face it, if anyone actually reads these, they won't really enjoy it ^^
maybe some bullet points of the more consequential things.. they won't be in order, I'll use little stars because they're cute ^^
☆I ordered and recieved Shige's book~
☆I also ordered and recieved a Tekumass parker from the Tegomass concert
☆I orered and am waiting for Yamapi's new single, both limited edition versions and apparently i get posters with them x3
☆I had a couple of exams (most of them will be in summer)
☆I changed my bedding to the new ones i hadn't used yet (so exciting XD)
☆I finally moved a load of not so new anymore books from piles on the floor onto shelves
☆I put up the little lantern lights I got for Christmas
☆I failed at playing my guitar
☆Friends had nerd themed birthays and gatherings etc ^^ always fun~

Thats about it really, other than social life stuff and day by day things ^^
Let's hope this year turns out better than the last one... x)

fandom related, obviously it's because i'm cool..

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