about to go on holiday ^^

Jul 22, 2011 22:11

i've finished packing...ish
there are another couple of hours before we set off for France though, so i have time to remember things ^^ I'm suprised i actually got it (mostly) all done with time to spare.. usually I'm so disorganised with this kind of thing.. it doesnt help that i dislike it either xP
we'll be gone until the 6th August and i doubt there will be internet connection >.< I'm still taking my laptop though, i'll need it to charge my ipod, as well as a few other benefits, I've decided not to take my external hd though, otherwise i would spend most of my time exactly like i would at home and that defeats the purpose of going away >.<'
i have a pile of books taking up almost all the space in one of my bags haha i have to have two just to fit everything.. i never realized how much stuff i insist on taking 'just in case'... the bags arn't very big so i suppose its not so bad...


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