Today i read a post by
miniliel and she said how there are certain songs that she listens to when she does things and then challenged people with the same habit to write a small list of their songs... the word challenge got me xD i get worked up at little things like this so i decided to post some of mine too x3
♥ When i wake up its Koi no ABO - for some reason it just makes the day seem so much better xD and i feel happy haha
♥ When i need to set off for school its Sayaendo
♥ I have an alarm to go off at 10:30pm for some reason and thats Be Funky!
♥ When im making a cup of tea (various times during the day :P) its YUI - TOKYO
♥ When im doing homework i set it to shuffle but start at Ordinary
♥ When im getting ready for bed its YUI - It's All Too Much
♥ When im starting to read a book i have it on shuffle but it usually starts with YUI - Am I Wrong - depends on the book x)
♥ When im cleaning the table i like to listen to Kobukuro - Tsubomi and then Fighting Man
♥ When im giddy i listen to Shalala Tambourine, Murarisuto and then Chirarizumu.. in that order.. and act like a 5 year old xD because im cool
I know that most of those are NewS >_< i do listen to other things too tho... and anime music haha, but those are just randomly throughout the day or when they come on during shuffle ^^ or if i feel like listening to a particular song x)
anyhoo today was a wednesday so i got to leave school at 1:40 ^^
and we might be getting a new kitten yay! im going to go see it on saturday x3
Kuro happy~ <(^^<)(>^^)> ^(^^)^ <(^^<)(>^^)>