i'm bound to get the job tomorrow with me new reso

Nov 03, 2003 12:50

my resume is so kickin pumpin cool. eena, one of the designers, fully revamped it. some might call it cheezy [there's an image of water drop along the top], but i call it...personal!

so i'm purtty excited to get the ball rollin on that one. it's so horrible to feel like you have a million and one things to do [important things thjat you know bad things will happen if you don't do them. and the scary things is you're not sure what kind of bad things. just b a d.] and don't know quite how to accomplish the first one. and so it doesn't get done. and then the second one doesn't get done and ya know how it goes. and then you procrastinate. or maybe it's just me who does that. um, yeah right. anyways, i feel like i've had a productive weekend. i ended up stayin here till 6 on friday, workin with eena on what i wanted for my resume, what i needed to add/omit. i paid my stinkin library fine of $36.40 [who does that? i do] from...what? six months ago. not such a good rep at the newton branch. paid my dentist bill. and put a number of things in my room back to their proper place. it seriously looked like a blitz was targeted for my room.

there are interview's at the macaroni grill tomorrow from 3 - 5, and i'm there. wih my cutsie new resume.

i was waiting for the bus this morning at waterfront and these three guys walked by, obviously tourists. with their little pull suitcases and backpacks. everything short of the umanageably huge map. and i got this pang. i realized how much i loooonged to travel. wished i was somewhere else experiencing life somewhere different. but then, i start breathing again [before the whiney voice came out] and realized that i will. in a few months. and that i can wait it out. but it was so weird. i felt their totally-excited-about-this-amazing-new-adventure vibe so clearly. it's kinda satisfying knowing that i'm actually moving towards that gaol: by leaving dossier, finding something else...feels more active than passive.

i have some mad filing to do before five, and i have to water the plants. they're losing thier turgidity. noooo! and now, i just got handed a proofing job. how is it 2:21 already?! i need coffee. more coffee.

pop quiz time:
what is the meaning of the word 'repartee'?
a) a short reprieve from a heavy task
b) a quick & witty reply
c) the return of a previously loaned object

stay tuned for the answer! oh the suspense!f
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