I really recommend this YA series. It starts with
The Summoning. Why you should read it:
The characters are smart and sensible without being ridiculous Mary Sues/Gary Stus. The characters aren't perfect, but you're never wanting to throw your book across the room in frustration at their sheer idiocy/stubbornness/whatever. At least I wasn't. I have been reading a ton of YA books, and I AM FINDING THIS INCREASINGLY RARE.
The heroine is a 15 year old girl, and of course she notices boys, but, GASP, her life doesn't revolve around them. This trilogy is NOT a 3 book long twoo wuv misunderstanding gagfest. In fact, romantic relationships aren't even really a concern till book 3, and by that point, it's been such a beautiful, natural progression that I can just go with it. I am getting really frustrated with 3-book-long anti-feminist romances with a little "plot" thrown in to make it seem like the books have substance. This series handles it the way things should be - an intriguing, action-filled plot with believable characters that get closer over the course of the novels. There's no love at first sight. There's no ridiculous gushing over how good-looking other characters are.
The lead character sees ghosts, and the author does a great job setting this up to be as scary as it really would be.
The characters have superpowers, and it's not made out to be sexy and fun. It's not the super-typical "lead character saves the day with her extra-special powers at the last minute" kind of deal. It's the characters learning to deal with some seriously out-of-control powers, and being forced into using them when they would really rather not, and really don't know how.
It's not dumbed down for the YA audience. Important people die, and not just in dramatic book-ending moments. The world doesn't get to stop.
The books have the full spectrum of action, drama, intrigue, humor and romance, without going overboard on any of the above.
There's more, but I don't want to spoil. If you're looking for a quick and entertaining read, pick this series up at your local library. :)