I made the hard decision this fall to stop offering my on-line classes. There were some changes taking place in our home and I was feeling spread a bit thin and burnt out and didn’t feel I was doing justice to my classes. I thought not teaching the classes would free up all kinds of time. Well, it seems all the time I spent administrating the classes has been eaten up by answering the numerous e-mails that come in each day asking me when I’ll be offering classes again.
So, due to popular demand, my on-line classes are back again. Though there are a few changes. I’ll only be offering classes four times a year and I’ll only be offering two classes at a time.
I have taught 10 different classes since I started teaching through Eclectic Academy. Two have been retired for some time due to low enrollments. I have also chosen to retire the Creative Color class. There were too many technical issues in teaching this one on-line. Everyone’s monitors and printers displayed the colors too differently. I may come out with an e-book workbook of exercises that can be used as a companion to my favorite book on color, but that won’t be taking place until later in 2006.
This means that there will be seven classes rotated through 8 class slots, so in general each class will only be offered once each calendar year. So, if a class is offered and you want to take it, I encourage you to take it when you see it being offered.
The first term of 2006 will begin March 1st and I’ll be offering the popular Bodacious Backgrounds class as well as the Printmaking Techniques for the Home Studio class. You can sign up at
http://designedlykristi.com/shoppingcart/index.php?cPath=21 as usual.
Now, I do have a favor to ask of you. In order to have enough time to actually create things and develop new techniques I have quit many of the on-line art groups. This means I need all the help I can get in spreading the word about the classes being offered again. So, if you are a part of an e-mail list or yahoogroup that would be interested in the classes please point them to
www.designedlykristi.com/classes/ for more info. If you keep a blog please post about the classes there as well. I will be very grateful for your assistance in spreading the word!