It's up.. it's at last up!!!!1

Feb 26, 2003 19:47

After being down over a YEAR thanx to server trouble and shit.. My site.. is at last UP AND RUNNING!!!!!!! ::falls over twitching:: I worked on this thing 7 strata hour's today and it's up!! To bad not everything is up X.X Just think, the commission’s page, downloads page, the drawing section of the tutorials [PhotoShop ones are up] and all but two of the art section's are down.

Getting the rest of the art section's up is my next goal, but think I'll save that for tomorrow X.X Such work just makes ya wanna fall over..

My message board and Oekaki board are now up to the public! Yes it is now accepting member's. Just note on the message board, the standard skin is still using the default button images and such, I'm working on a design for those now. so bare with me!!
Ahhh.. such fun.. such work I got to do ;.; Well now after the long wait my sites up, I can breath easy for a bit.

Aside the 7 hour's I was up working on the site. I been semi alright. Got a few more drawing's to post [oh just have to lathen my work load on getting my art pages back up :P] Though I haven't been feeling to well to do much. I got sick for a time thanx to my MOM! grr. Every night before I go to bed my room is nice and worm thanx to having are heater on.. But before mom goes to bed she turns it OFF!! So I end up waking up at like.. 6am, FREAZZING! And note.. I got a heated water bed, yet I am curled up shivering in bed.. can you imagine how COLD my room must be?! Bad thing is, I get up, turn the heater on, then get back into bed..then not long after that, say like around 7, my dad gets up.. and turns the heater off!! x.x so I go and turn it back on... then low and behold my mom gets up at at around 8 or so.. and turns it BACK off! !@#$^&!! So I got sick from that, also had a seines headache for around 4 day's.

If that's not bad I now got a darn infected tow that I had sense the 22nd >.< stupid ingrown toenail.. grr. I can hardly walk on it yet you know what mom made me do? She made me get up, and go outside to bring in the garbage can.. IN THE RAIN! So the bandage I just put on my tow got sopping wet. I got soaked. Jeez does ANYONE care?! Dad brings the garbage can up from the sidewalk up to the gate to are back yard, but he can't open the gate and walk another 10 feet and place it where we keep it?!

......................I hate my life ;.;
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