Kimmeh ish happy again! xD W00t. My birthday's in 14 days, i'm turning 17, yay!! =D I can't wait, my friend's Jamie and Marissa are coming up from Tauranga to see me, yaaaaaaaaaaay!
I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally bored. It's Easter Sunday and nothing is open. Guh I wish I could've gone to Botany (the mall) yesterday, I have a need to look at clothes and shoes right now -_-
Oooh and my e-port card for Portman's arrived, which rocks, cos now I can get discounts -does a jig- funfun!
Mm I might upload my Easter oneshot I wrote for Supernatural xD A cute little fluffy wee!chester oneshot, forced upon me by Maria (
roadtripper666 ) Go visit her journal, it's more interesting then mine! It has postcards and drabbles and Pete Wentz, Oh my! xP
Gunna stop the random rambling now.
Peace! XxX