What are Journals for?

Apr 01, 2015 23:35

Sparatic entry ahead.

Literally a vent journal.

Invites were suppose to be sent two days ago but I keep getting caught up with Tax Season. Steve is doing them tomorrow, so only 4 days late by the time they get in the mail.

Still have to e-mail the Vineyard regarding the menu and when we can set things up. Will do tomorrow, perhaps?

Need to get a passport still. Have an appointment in May.

Need to lose weight, why does this take forever?

I am tempted to cheat with unregulated cheater pills that will make you baloon up after you stop taking them, but at least I would be thin for the wedding. Resisting that urge, keep telling myself those pills don't even correctly tell you what is in them and may or may not work. Some cause liver issues, other kidney failures. Horrid idea. But.. if it would double the speed I'm going, or at least get me over the hump..... that would be great. GUGHHHHH

Won't... sticking with health.

But here is the thing. I hate weight loss. I'll do everything right, and only lose 10lbs, then get stuck... and stuck... then gain... then stuck.....

I'll give up and gain. Then start again and lose ten lbs and... HEY cycle repeates.

This round I lost the ten, got stuck, and changed my strategy (weight watchers). Then down to 20lbs..thought I broke the cycle, I've been stuck here for a month! I should be down another 5. I'm going to be a fatty for my wedding. I just know it. Pictures that will last forever and I'm going to be a cow.


I may consider getting the pills still...................

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