"My heart has made its mind up / And I'm afraid it's you. / Whatever you've got lined up, "

Feb 19, 2010 14:38

"My heart has made its mind up."

I used to really like hypnosis tapes. I'm poor at relaxing...You could put me in a dark room, give me a massage and a heat pack to my sore muscles and I still wouldn't know if I can truly relax. Relaxation comes with a price I can't afford to pay, you see. In order to relax I would have to let my guard down and I'm too cowardly to do that.

Recently I've managed to lose all my "stress relief" tracks and so I did a search on my computer and found something called "past life regression" hypnosis. I've listened to it twice so far (on separate times) and never gone through the whole thing (as is typical of me, I tend to fall asleep within 15-30 minutes) despite having been woken up by someone in the middle of it (the track is an hour and a half long). It's very interesting, it doesn't focus much on relaxing your muscles, instead it induces a sort of snowball effect, where one minute you're working on relaxing your eyes and the next minute the relaxation just swooshes down to your feet o.o; very cool. Of course as with all hypnosis it takes a couple of tries before it really works (hypnosis is just another way to condition your mind/body, i.e. they tell you every time you hear the word "relax" you'll feel more relaxed and eventually you will) so I didn't notice this until the second time. I also noticed that there is much emphasis on "leaving your body below" and "relaxing your soul" which is very new to me, and is interesting because what I felt when I heard these words was a sort of floating, not in an out-of-body sort of way but in a just-above-my-bed kind of way. It sort of felt like sleeping on a moving water-bed, like something is pulling you up but your body is grounding you, and it's frustrating because the voice in the recording keeps reminding you how your soul wants to be "free". Makes me wonder if a "free"-feeling is truly attainable. If it is, I want it.


Assuming we agree that ethics/virtue is learned, which do you think is more important? Socialization in the form of politeness or socially acceptable behavior, or virtue? Is it more important to have virtues, to be a good person, ethically correct--or to be polite, easy to get along with, to have many friends/acquaintances...?


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