I wrote an entry on the road, but as I tried to post it last night my computer froze on me. I had already ripped the paper version. Damn.
All I really had to say there was that I can't remember whether or not I've done the most basic things; such as brushed my teeth, applied lotion, or even opened the door. I can't remember because I tell myself exactly what to do, and my mind sends out step-by-step instructions to my body in such an orderly fashion that I'm free to space out and be as absent-minded as I wish. The result is a lot of confusion on my part, and the strengthening of my aloof image. (Yeah yeah I know, I rule at spacing out.)
I also wondered why I decided to live in LA when there are small towns like Chowchilla, or Fresno that remind me of Finland, and that I might enjoy living in. Seattle is worth considering in the future. To think Turku has a population of about 20,000 only, when the "small" town of Cerritos (where I used to live when I was in 7th grade) has a population of 55,000 (2000 consensus), of which about 70% are asian (Korean & Taiwanese majority). Small towns in northern Cali and the NorthWest in general, from what I've seen, are dominated by whites. I find this nostalgic, despite the fact that it was part of the reason I didn't want to remain in Finland. How stupid of me.
The roadtrip took a toll on my nerves. I was ready to explode on my cousins and my uncle. Frankly when I'm tired, sleep-deprived, carsick, and having PMS, I don't give a fuck about the "happiness of others", especially not if it means I have to perform acts of self-sacrifice in the interest of my spoiled-hopeless cousins. Having my sister in the bunch doesn't help much. She shines in comparison, but only until she ticks me off. Then the title of "spoiled princess" is returned to her. The sad thing is that she gladly accepts it. She thinks being 'spoiled' is a sign of coolness.
And I realized that my uncle is not the shi lao zhong (typical Chinese) that I thought he was, but rather he's also the typical American in that he is ignorant and thinks no other country can compare to the brilliance of the US. Everything in Canada is worth complaining about "because they're so stupid". e.e; Uh huh, and Americans aren't for needing such oversimplified road signs? -huff- At times like these I wonder if I'm American at all, maybe I'm more European than I thought.
The best thing about the trip was hiking up one of the Rocky Mountains. It felt like the top of the world. Sequoia and Yosemite National Park could not compare as far as the scenery goes. Driving within the mountains, I looked up at them, and I thought to be able to move a mountain like that would be amazing. But what would "move a mountain"?
Shopping is doping aka reason my credit card is almost maxed out, and I could never tire of shopping.
I think I'll post another entry for friends-only. For now, here's a
What Fantasy Archetype Are you?
The Pillar-of-Strength Love Interest
You are the Pillar-of-Strength Love Interest! You're like Arwen (Lord of The Rings), Guinevere (Arthurian Legend), Princess Leia (Star Wars), Door (Neverwhere), Ginny/Hermione (Harry Potter), and Kahlan Amnell (Wizard's First Rule). You are the protagonist's love interest and you almost invariably love him too. You are strong, resiliant, caring, loving, loyal and virtuous - but you often have to make hard decisions between love and the Right Thing. You and The Mentor usually go way back, and keep your eye out for betrayal of your love from The Traitor. Also, keep guard, you are the favorite hostage of The Totally Wicked Villain.
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