Now Australia has fallen victim to the Hoax that is Global Warming:
Why Global Warming May Be Fueling Australia's Fires This is the part I love:
That's one more reason why the world must work together to reduce global carbon emissions to minimize the impact of climate change. The trouble is though, CO2 cuts won't be enough. As a recent paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science points out, even if we are successful in cutting carbon emissions rapidly - hardly an easy task - the momentum of climate change will continue for centuries. That means our ability to adapt to the impacts of warming, including more aggressive responses to wildfires like those in Australia, will become all the more critical, lest natural disasters turn into human catastrophes. But it also means that the world we've become accustomed to will change, perhaps irrevocably. The wildfires in southern Australia are already the worst in the nation's history - but they surely won't be the last.
This just had me LOL'ing. "But it also means that the world we've become accustomed to will change, perhaps irrevocably." Um, yeah? Do you people not go to Science class?? My God, the climate is always changing. It has nothing to do with us! What we do cannot possibly impact the climate to such a degree that it would lead to these extreme events. The article even points out that, "Police are beginning to suspect that many of the fires may have been deliberately set, and the sheer increase in the number of homes built in fire-danger zones in southern Australia today puts more people in harm's way, raising the potential death toll."
But no, in the end, it's the fault of human beings and their amazing powers to change the climate.