
Jan 23, 2009 23:55

(AKA, the Political Rant)

I really have been into the fire-stirring topics lately. Not that I get much of a response (hey, I ONLY have like, what, 3? 6? friends on LJ? lol).

Anyway, saw this crap just now:

Obama Says: Don't Listen to Rush

So, apparently in some silly move to 'unite' the parties, he's telling republicans they shouldn't listen to Rush Limbaugh. Wow...I mean, seriously, what can you say but wow?

Obama's scared because there's still a loud voice out there that is heard that isn't afraid to say, 'hey look, the Emperor is wearing no clothes' because everyone else is too damn scared to say it.

So "The Messiah" is closing Gitmo. Great, where is he planning to send all the prisoners? Back to their homes? Fantastic, let them go and keep attacking our soldiers. Our people, our allies, our ideals. Throwing out the interrogation techniques? Perhaps I'm coming across as heartless, but not from my perspective. I want this country that I live in to be safe and that's something the president should want as well, but right now, he's more concerned about looking good.
But I suppose he could send the detainees to our prisons, in which case I'm sure they'd be dead within a month because at least the criminals already there will probably be much less inclined to pity or feel sorry for the transfers. Suppose that's one way to save money...

Oh yeah, let's also not forget Obama's view on abortion. Apparently he has no problem spending my money on abortion groups all around the world. Again, he's made this move to appease the groups that got him in the White House. Fantastic. Now, I want to take a quote here that is from an article here, on This is one of the abortion supports:

"President Obama's actions will help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, abortions and women dying from high-risk pregnancies because they don't have access to family planning," said Tod Preston, a spokesman for Population Action International, an advocacy group.

"unintended pregnancies"? So basically, it's okay if, in your promiscuous activity, you accidentally become pregnant and decide that it'll just be such an inconvenience to you that you go ahead with an abortion. But wait, what about the extreme case, like rape? I'm not sorry for saying this, but I don't believe in abortion. Period. I'd like to also comment on something else about that above quote; apparently this is a quote from someone with a group called 'Population Action International.' Excuse me, but what action do you think is necessary? This isn't about population and there not being enough space, it's about resources. Again, this arrogance rears its ugly head with a human population that it is above nature itself and that it must control its own population. Have they not seen the news? About the wars and the genocides going on in this world? And yet, here is this group of people who believe they're doing the world a favor by trying to keep a lid on our population.

If you can't tell yet, I'm an avid fan of Rush. He's someone not afraid to make his point. Which brings me back to my original point. Obama doesn't want people listening to Rush. Well, tough, it's called 'free speech', one of those rights that's suppose to be defended. You don't want to listen, then don't, but don't touch my right to listen and his right to say it. Obama claims to stand upon the same standards as the father's of our country and it shocks me. No, he doesn't and he's already proven that this week. He says it here:

Our Founding Fathers, faced with perils that we can scarcely imagine, drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man, a charter expanded by the blood of generations. Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expedience's sake.

But he turns around begins working us further into the 'Big Government', a government burdened with every aspect of the welfare of Americans. Nationalized bank? Sure! Nationalized Healthcare? Fantastic! Supplying jobs? Why not!

That is exactly what our forefathers did not want. The welfare of this country depends on its people, not it's leaders. Wake up America, stop giving your power away. We should be taking care of each other, not hoping and waiting that the government will swoop in and save the day.

Remember your independence and cherish it, guard it, and keep it safe - that is your freedom.

politics, rant

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