May 17, 2010 19:03
I'm watching one of those current affairs programs, and they're talking about people suffering from a condition called trichotillomania ("trich" for short). They're talking to four women who have the condition. Sad condition, sad stories, I feel bad for them. It's a condition where they pull at their hair compulsively to the point of creating bald spots.
What I find interesting is how some conditions are "accepted". Being thin to the point of anorexic is accepted as a serious condition. You don't just carelessly say to someone with an eating disorder, "Duh, just go eat!"
But as these women said, they get told just to "stop it". As though it's something entirely in their control and not an actual condition. I wonder why that's fair?
Obsessive compulsive disorder is fairly well accepted too, isn't it? Wouldn't OCD be considered fairly similar to something like "trich"? I was wondering if it's because disorders like anorexia have a fairly direct link to general health/wellbeing, but something like OCD would have the same impact as something like "trich" wouldn't it?
Just thinking aloud, I guess.