Jul 12, 2011 15:17
I know it is because having spent the best part of the day reading really good franfic - I'll get to that in a moment -, something that usually triggers one neurone or two, that I came up with a phrase that sums it up:
You know you're addicted to fanfiction when you're actually glad you're sick so you have a fail-proof excuse to stay home and read all day long.
So, despite it seems as if somebody had casted a Silencio on me - which means I have no voice - and I find myself empathising with every description of Remus Lupin's pains after the full moon's transformations, I am rather enjoying myself.
Suddenly I remembered some of the bests afternoons I had while living in Rome: shut at home - I know it might sound ridiculous, someday I'll explain why it isn't - drinking gallons of Earl Grey and reading/writing fanfiction. Which is far much more than that. It means dreaming, imagining, laughing, and feeling excited, and maybe even a tad angsty.
I remembered I used to be a solitary person. I spent the best part of High School reading novels in my room with the sole company of a green apple that would be eaten somewhere between chapters 10 and 12. And I am sure I was happy with al that imaginary worlds that jumped out of the pages of Enid Blyton and stayed long enough to make me dream.
Reality has caught with me many years ago. Real friends and a wonderful life are more than fitting substitutes for that green apple (even though I don't get to eat them) but still I like to find myself in this situation from time to time.
Vacations (forced or not), solitude (the good kind), nice music, a great story... and, as a very old poem I had to learn at school said: "Langeweile hab' ich nie, denn ich habe Fantasie!"
[Currently reading works of this GRAND fanfic author Gilpin, at fanfiction.net, you should check it out, especially if you're a RL/NT fan as I am]