Dec 10, 2003 22:13
I was just wondering, what do people really want to talk about out there? This whole live journal thing seems pretty messed up. It seems to me a reflection of the real world; A world primarily devoid of passion. A mostly dead world. Too bad. Maybe it's because we think no one wants to know what we're really feeling and thinking about, which is of course stupid; most of us are dying for some kind of meaningful context. I personally would prefer to log on to live journal and read that someone out there want's to screw my brains out, than read about how stagnant their life is.
I enjoy writing stuff like this, as long as I can put a positive slant on it; I don't want to bring anybody down. You know what kicks ass...? Life, when you let it...I've had a couple of wonderfully rewarding experiences lately in what is an otherwise unrewarding profession, teaching. So, if it's so unrewarding, why do I teach? Good question. Believe it or not, I think people are wonderful. I live for a meaningful experience, one not shrouded in fear and double en'trandre (sorry, I don't do french). This, in short brings me back to my original point; what would people really want to talk about if there wasn't so much fear and inhibition?