Jan 22, 2012 17:00
Wow, it's been uh... quite a while since I've posted.
Well, here's my obligatory 'I'm not dead' post! Just been completely snowed under with work, and although I've kept up with other people's journals I've not known what to put on mine (I generally assume my 'real life' isn't of interest, and I've not had much else to say!)
Though I've been considering for a long time putting a filter on for the fandom portion of my journal, since I miss writing about it and I always gets antsy about it appearing on non-fandom people's f-lists. I don't like to put things on particular 'locks', but it sucks to have to censor what I write because I'm worried about peoples opinions.
I suppose I could do the same for 'real life' blogging, though I honestly don't know if anyone would be remotely interested in that?
Aaaanyway, opinions would be nice, and I hope everyone well. :D