Tokyo Pop ran a contest called 'Rising Stars of Manga' in which they scouted North Americans doing manga. but the winners were kids and were offered VERY one sided contracts that favored TP. Once details of those contracts leaked, a lot of creators were VERY pissed with TP.
Oh yeah, Rising Stars. My take on it was always that it was good as a jumping off point, even if it was a totally terrible deal for anyone who was already a professional.
Then again, I don't think I ever heard all the details. Link?
Sadly a lot of links to the mess are dead. My understanding is that if you signed with TP, the company would own your stuff completely. You lost all your rights, and TP could re-sell or repackage your stuff in any way they wanted.
Hmm, I'm not sure either! It entirely depends on what the contract says in regards to this kind of circumstance. Though at the very least, the rights to the characters should eventually expire and revert in Tokyopop's 'absence'.
oh god it serves them right.
Unfortunate that a bunch of licenses and series are going to be left hanging now.
Though conversely, any particular reason why it serves them right?
Then again, I don't think I ever heard all the details. Link?
Here's a page of reactions to TP's contract for new creators:
A LOT of creators dissing TP
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And yeah, good job you didn't! Though if you had, maybe now it would be null and void? ...or I suppose, binding and inescapable. :P
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