Long Gushing Yami no Matsuei vol. 12 post

Jan 17, 2010 02:18

Yes, I know I only just posted. Non-fans please ignore again!

Well, as I Said in my last post, the new issue (in which we expected just a few illustration changes) is a complete and utter redraw. And I'm shocked to say that I actually love it.

The whole thing's taken a much more... 'horror' tone on some of the scarier scenes, and it works really damn well. The ages of the characters seem to fluctuate a bit (especially at the start) but seem to pan out. Tatsumi's changed a lot, but overall looks good. Watari was... really damn cute, though for some reason his hair was shorter (so was Tatsumi's infact...), he also seems to be going down a bit of a 'cracking up' route, which could be interesting (and if not, mad scientist ftw). Nagare looks about 5 years younger (though it still works), and spends more time looking pathetic (poor guy) and distinctly scalier. Kasane spent time being scarier. There was a shocking lack of increase in snake porn. Maid girl is definitely evil.

Switch to Gensoukai... everything looks gorgeous. Initially Hisoka looks very cute (post being bandaged and gross and horror-manga like, anyway), but very young (uncomfortable...), but this fluctuated and eventually panned out too. Tsuzuki's first appearance was fucking perfect. He looks perfect too for the whole thing, tbh. No complaints. And said first appearance was hilarious to boot(and with added Tsusoka moment, happy days). Odd random show of (very light) violence (for Tsuzuki anyway, hah) though. But it was still great. Added scenes that I can't wait for a translation for looked great, as did the Shikigami. Tiger!Byakko was replaced by/changed into a weird techno like tiger... thing. Don't know what's going on there.
Aaaand Kijin is creepy.

In summary, omg, omg, yay. Talk about faith being rewarded and all that. Couldn't have hoped for better! And the fact that she took the time and effort to re-write the whole damn issue is an excellent, excellent sign.


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