Pointless post

May 30, 2007 16:03

I'll go back to not bothering peoples f-list's again soon. XD


Uwaaaaa XD The last page of the newest chapter made me jump out of my skin! XD I kinda shrieked and then started laughing. XD Fucking creepy.

Edit: photobuckets re-sizing seems to kill it a little. So here's the full version too: http://i15.servimg.com/u/f15/11/15/77/28/img_0023.jpg
Original posted version below.

HAHAHAHA ow. XD And just after I was noting how cutesy they'd made Ashura-ou. XD

In other news;

Seems to be still on though. Looks like a lot of the sites deleted were genuine peadophile sites anyway, so that shows some shoddy work on lj's part that they survived so long anyway.
The only fandom that seems to have been targeted atm is the HP fandom. And lots of incest comms are down too. (also, a comm for the discussion of the 'Lolita' novel.

On the first page of my f-list, nearly every entry was talking about this...D=

lj, trc

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