Good day for two fandoms, shitty one for another.
Yami No Matsuei
She's actually doing some work! She had a new chapter published in Hana to Yume! IT'S A DIFFERENT BLEEDING MANGA! >_____< <---the one with the chic in the blue box, apparently it's about a girl who looks like Ukyou who likes aquariums. =B *seeth*
*cackle* The new art! The new art! =D's made of win! And...chains! =D
Also, I can only assume everyones seen the full size Kamui cover for TRC now, if not it's here; Damn. That's one hella awesome Kamui pic XD (and the clothes win. ^_^)
Kingdom Hearts
Okay, so now, as opposed to the early assumption that there would be a weird COM segment in final mix, they're now making a whole ps2 game of Chain of Memories! =D (reverse rebirth...^___^)
Oh, and Final Mix will definatly have more OrgyXIII cutscenes, and Namine. ^_^
Real Life
Real what? sorry?
edit: Tsubasa 129 translation here---> And one scan...and it's...aww...XD;;
editedit: scans--> password: ducheng