3rd May - Tifa Lockheart - FF7 (Lower Picture) // Chris - Sukisyo (Upper Picture)
Chris. What a very Japanese-ey name. ¬_¬' ...and um...yeah...I know it isn't still the third here in jolly old England...but um...it is in America! And most of you are from there! Ne?! ^^;;
So...uh....I was gunna say somethign useful today....but...well the download I've been at for 2 weeks finished so I watched 5 or 6 eps of that...and then all my other stuff, I'm now Im having to dissapear to wash my hair...and I wanted to start getting more sleep and...uh...
Okay. Reason is, I bought Metal Gear Solid 2 and I'm hooked. Yes. I know ^^; And why metal gear 2 you ask when I could get the shiny new one or the first which inevitably has a better reputation? WELL. Because I watched my brother play through it years ago...and....I'm a sinner who actually likes Raiden. Right. Now thats off my cheast...(vweee....he's so girly XD)
I really need to wash my hair....but I wanna play more too...*weep*...damn work....>_< ...WEEKEND! ^^
And I really really wanted to get my newest amv project done in the next 4 weeks....(hah what a stretch...XD)...damnit....video...games....I forgot....how glued...I get to them...
Um...I guess I did end up writing stuff. AA! I THINK THE BATHS OVERFLOWING NEARLY! XD