Feb 27, 2005 15:17
I just signed up for thefacebook last night. Its interesting... I've been talking to alot of people I haven't spoken too in a while and organizing those I speak to now...
I suggest more people sign up. But there was a little conversation which I had with Brian.
"Brian:Isn't face book a little too communistic for you? "
"Not really... though I still have a tendency towards abnormal elitism, there are still fascists of community needed for certain works. Alas cloning has yet to generate the key.. besides I tend to work with women better then myself alone (most likely the show off nature of man causes better results in work when there is an audience of a female persuasion).
Besides I've been doing film of late and that requires extra hands... and with b-movies a multitude of breasts. muhahahaha ^_^
Over all isn't a bad page and hey even a "creepy art guy" gots to get him some from time to time.
So what've you been up to?
lol... anyways I'm off to try and get something done.