Imma post this first before my entry-report about certain events that happened several days ago. Oh yeah. Everyone who reads this knows that I don't update regularly but when I do, they're usually long. I've said that in one of my previous entries. Since I've known about lj cuts for a long time I thought "Why not use it, moron?" So, yeah. I'm gonna use 'em from now on xD
Anyway, this is really long so… enjoy? xD;
[x] I am shorter than 5'4. [You don't need to know my height.SRSLY.]
[x] I think I'm ugly sometimes. [*snort* It's amazing how I'm still surviving with that thought playing in my mind every single day like a broken record.]
[ ] I have many scars. [I have a few small ones.]
[ ] I tan easily.
[ ] I wish my hair was a different color. [I like my hair color but I kinda wanna try other colors xD]
[ ] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[ ] I have a tattoo. [I like tatoos. But not on my skin.]
[x] I am self-conscious about my appearance. [Even the weirdest person would be… right?]
[x] I have/I've had braces. [I've had them and now I have retainers.]
[ ] I wear glasses. [No :'D But-- O think I'll need them. SOON D8]
[x] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. [Experiment-surgery sounds fun.]
[x] I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger. [It shook the whole world.]
[x] I have more than 2 piercings.
[ ] I have piercings in places besides my ears. [I want a lip ring and maybe navel piercing too~]
[ ] I have freckles.
Family/Home Life
[x] I've sworn at my parents. [In my head, yeah. LOTS of times.]
[ ] I've run away from home.
[x] I've been kicked out of the house. [www Stupidest thing ever. Actually, I don't remember what happened. I just stayed outside the house xD]
[x] My biological parents are together.
[ ] I have a sibling less than one year old.
[x] I want to have kids someday. [Well… duh. I like it painless PZL.]
[ ] I've had children.
[x] I've lost a child. [Are siblings included? XD]
[x] I'm in school.
[ ] I have a job.
[x] I've fallen asleep at work/school. [I'm half-asleep when I do it in class though.]
[ ] I almost always do my homework. [When you wish upon a staaaarrrrr~]
[ ] I've missed a week or more of school.
[ ] I've been on the Honor Roll within the last 2 years. [Er… is a merit included? xD]
[ ] I failed more than 1 class last year.
[ ] I've stolen something from my job.
[ ] I've been fired.
[x] I've slipped out a "lol" in a spoken conversation. [Embarrassing? It;s an everyday word xD]
[x] Disney movies still make me cry. [They don't really make me cry but it's heartwarming and makes you a little teary eyed sometimes.]
[ ] I've peed from laughing.
[x] I've snorted while laughing. [Seldom.]
[x] I've laughed so hard I've cried. [It happens quite a lot 8D]
[x] I've glued my hand to something. [Yeah, to my other hand xD]
[ ] I've had my pants rip in public. [That's funny www.]
[x] I was born with a disease/impairment. [My haato-- I mean, my heart-- it had holes… and murmuring and… yeah. Oh. I have amoeabiasis too D:]
[x] I've gotten stitches/staples. [At the back of my head when whoever the person carrying me fell off the stairs *rolls eyes*]
[ ] I've broken a bone. [o___o;]
[ ] I've had my tonsils removed. […]
[ ] I've sat in a doctorís office/emergency room with a friend. [I don't remember actually…]
[ ] I've had my wisdom teeth removed.
[ ] I had a serious surgery.
[ ] I've had chicken pox.
[ ] I've driven over 200 miles in one day.
[x] I've been on a plane. [Planes~ :'D]
[x] I've been to Canada. [It was freezing and melting.]
[ ] I've been to Mexico. [I'll eat Nachos first when I get there.]
[ ] I've been to Niagara Falls. [We were supposed to DDD8]
[x] I've been to Japan. [Heh.]
[ ] I've celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans. [… Wut? o__o;]
[ ] I've been to Europe. [My mom's been there though D:]
[ ] I've been to Africa. [I wanna go there. Protected.]
[ ] I've gotten lost in my city.
[x] I've seen a shooting star. [Quite a lot of them actually, back in first year with a friend.]
[x] I've wished on a shooting star. [I wonder if they came true… I don't remember my wish(es) xD]
[ ] I've seen a meteor shower. [I wanna~.]
[x] I've gone out in public in my pajamas.
[x] I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator. [WWWW I did that when I had nothing to do in ATC I think xD]
[x] I've kicked a guy where it hurts. [I accidentally kicked my driver and I tried to make an excuse by saying "Oh, sorry I hit your stomach!" But he shook his head and said that it wasn't there xD The other one was on purpose because some boy was being annoying.]
[ ] I've been to a casino.
[ ] I've been skydiving.
[ ] I've gone skinny dipping. [I wanna xD]
[x] I've played spin the bottle. [Does the more innocent version played here counts? xD]
[ ] I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[ ] I've crashed a car.
[ ] I've been skiing.
[x] I've been in a play.
[x] I've met someone in person from MySpace. [Uhm… yeah. My classmates xD]
[ ] I've caught a snowflake on my tongue.
[ ] I've seen the Northern lights. [Real life noooo~ But in movies and pictures and-- yeah 8D]
[ ] I've sat on a roof top at night. [Not at night but at twilight]
[ ] I've played chicken. [Whut…?]
[x] I've played a prank on someone. [WWW Lots of times. Same person. If you're reading this, you better know that it's you xD]
[x] I've ridden in a taxi. [… Duh. You have not lived if you haven't been in a taxi xD]
[ ] I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[x] I've eaten sushi. [F'course]
[ ] I've been snowboarding.
[x] I'm single.
[x] I'm in a relationship. [What kind? xD]
[ ] I'm engaged.
[ ] I'm married.
[ ] I've gone on a blind date.
[ ] I've been the dumped more than the dumper.
[x] I miss someone right now. [Yeah… D':]
[x] I have a fear of abandonment. [In a way.]
[ ] I've gotten divorced.
[x] I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back. [*coughs*… You'll never guess correctly xD]
[x] I've told someone I loved them when I didn't. [… WWWW Sorry]
[x] I've told someone I didn't love them when I did. [Uh… I think?]
[ ] I've kept something from a past relationship.
[ ] I've had a crush on someone of the same sex. [I was born a girl and I'll always be a girl. KTHXBAI.]
[ ] I've had a crush on a teacher.
[ ] I am a cuddler.
[ ] I've been kissed in the rain. [This is so cliche and yet it still works *shot* :'D]
[ ] I've hugged a stranger.
[ ] I have kissed a stranger. [WWW I don't live in a whorehouse xD;]
[x] I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't. [Bleach]
[x] I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't. [Eugh… >>;]
[ ] I've snuck out of my house.
[ ] I have lied to my parents about where I am.
[x] I am keeping a secret from the world. [Everyone has 'em]
[x] I've cheated while playing a game. [I've cheated on… a lot of games. It's natural… yeah? 8D;]
[x] I've cheated on a test. [… Y'know, my uncle told me to eat vegetables so my eyes and neck will grow longer and be able to see my classmate's answers xDD]
[ ] I've run a red light.
[ ] I've been suspended from school.
[ ] I've witnessed a crime. [I heard gunshots but I didn't see the actual… bangbangbang y'know?]
[ ] I've been in a fist fight.
[ ] I've been arrested.
[x] I've consumed alcohol.
[ ] I regularly drink.
[ ] I've passed out from drinking.
[ ] I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months.
[ ] I've smoked weed.
[ ] I've taken painkillers when I didn't need them.
[ ] I've eaten shrooms. [Huh?]
[ ] I've popped E. [*www* What?]
[ ] I've inhaled Nitrous. [I want to! 8D To those who doesn't know: Nitrous aka Lauging gas]
[ ] I've done hard drugs. [What's that? Is that like… an extreme level of drug intake? xD]
[ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[ ] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem.
[ ] I have been diagnosed with clinical depression.
[ ] I have been diagnosed with one or more anxiety disorders.
[ ] I shut others out when I'm depressed. [No one really goes in my room, heh.]
[ ] I take anti-depressants. [Happy pills you mean? xD]
[ ] I'm anorexic or bulimic.
[x] I've slept an entire day when I didn't need it.
[ ] I've hurt myself on purpose. [What kind of hurt? I've slapped myself, pinched myself and the sort but not the… slashing kinda y'know? I'm too careful.]
[ ] I've woken up crying. [I don't think I had tears but when I woke up I had the last crying breathing sound.]
Death and Suicide
[x] I'm afraid of dying. [Only if I haven't done what I wanted to do.]
[ ] I hate funerals. [They're sad D:]
[x] I've seen someone dying. [My seamonkeys! DDDDDDDD8]
[ ] Someone close to me has attempted suicide.
[ ] I've planned my own suicide.
[ ] I've attempted suicide.
[ ] I've written a eulogy for myself. [This is kinda stupid. Might as well ask your BFF to do it for ya xD]
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[x] I own an iPod or MP3 player. [One of the first things I'll save.]
[x] I have an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga. [For a while, yeah.]
[ ] I own multiple designer purses, costing over $100 a piece. [
[ ] I own something from Hot Topic.
[ ] I own something from Pac Sun.
[ ] I collect comic books. [Manga?]
[ ] I own something from The Gap.
[ ] I own something I got on e-bay. [I wanna buy that guy who sells his life xD]
[ ] I own something from Abercrombie. [Aw man… D:]
[ ] I can sing well. [Er… I can sing.]
[ ] I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
[ ] I open up to others easily. You ask me a question I'm most likely going to answer it.
[ ] I watch the news.
[ ] I don't kill bugs. [Fuck you ants. Hiding in my bed. Fuck you all.]
[x] I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme. [Psh. Lyrics is the soul of music, man.]
[ ] I curse regularly. [Not rlllyyyy… :'D]
[x] I sing in the shower. [I talk to myself-- in my head most of the time.]
[ ] I am a morning person. [Night-twilight person]
[ ] I paid for my cell phone ring tone.
[ ] I'm a snob about grammar.
[ ] I am a sports fanatic.
[x] I twirl my hair. [Sometimes. And not that girly kinda twirl 'KAY?!]
[x] I have "x"s in my screen name.
[x] I love being neat. [Yeah but not like some friend of mine… *shifty eyes*]
[x] I love Spam. [That's food right? xD]
[ ] I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day.
[x] I bake well. [I'm okay at it~ Edible.]
[x] My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue. [Where's orange and green? DDD:]
[ ] I've worn pajamas to school.
[ ] I like Martha Stewart.
[ ] I know how to shoot a gun.
[ ] I am in love with love.
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS. [HA! NEVAAARRRR]
[ ] I laugh at my own jokes. [I… think? When was the last time I did that? xD]
[ ] I eat fast food weekly. [I eat junk food weekly regularly.]
[ ] I believe in ghosts. [Spirits, maybe. If there are any ghosts, I wanna meet the friendly cool ones.]
[ ] I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
[x] I've not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class. [Miracle? Guess the class~]
[ ] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[ ] I am really ticklish.
[ ] I love white chocolate. [Ew… D:]
[ ] I bite my nails.
[x] I play video games.
[x] I'm good at remembering faces.
[x] I'm good at remembering names. [50-50 ya'know.]
[ ] I'm good at remembering dates. [Depends on the event.]
[x] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. [Oh God, help me.]
1) Do you like blue cheese?
2) Have you ever smoked heroin?
3) Do you own guns?
My mom does xD
4) What flavor do you add to your drinks at Sonic?
Where is that? xD
5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
No xD
6) There is no 6Ö
…? 8D;
7) Favorite Christmas song?
Er… a lot xD
8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Any, as long as it's good. Water's good. Hot choco's good, coffee's good, juice is good, milk is good too~
9) Can you do push ups?
10) Can you do a chin up?
Uh… no? o_O;
11) Whatís your favorite piece of jewelry?
Bracelets, chains (www is that considered a "jewelry"?), necklaces, piercings are nice but I don't have 'em besides in my ears
12) Favorite hobby?
TV.Internettzz.Games.Books.Eat.Sleep.Piano?Walk. 'Nuff said 8D;
13) Ever been in a car wreck?
14) Do you have ADD?
15) Whatís one trait that you hate about yourself?
Everything. Isn't that considered singular? xD
16) Middle name?
17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
I need inspiration. I want money. I wanna see someone.
18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
Rice with Burger Steak, pizza and carbonara all from the same place xD
19) Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
Water, juice, I drink these in a balanced way so: Milk, Shake, Latte
20) Current worry?
The world. SRSLY. There's global warming, there's my grades and my future and yadda yadda yadda
21) Current hate right now?
23) How did you bring in the New Year?
Uh… I forgot xD; We ate good stuffs www
24) Where would you like to go?
Right now, right? Uh… Greece, Japan, some cons and journalism thing this October xD;
25) Name 3 people who will complete this?
… Anyone who has lotsah time in their hands. Like me.
26) Do you own slippers?
27) What shirt are you wearing?
My Blue Post t-shirt that I just got last week.
28) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
29) Can you whistle?
30) Favorite color?
Uhm… a lot. But they're mostly color combos like orange and green 8D
31) Would you be a pirate?
I'd love to <3
32) What songs do you sing in the shower?
… I usually talk to myself (in my head) and I sing random songs when I feel like not overloading my head with my own words. I'm like an iPod on Shuffle y'know xD
33) Favorite girlís name?
… NIX(?!)
34) Favorite boyís name?
…NIX(??!!!!!) [www I actually don't know]
35) Whatís in your pocket?
Gots no pockets wwww
36) Last thing that made you laugh?
Best of Cheese xD
37) Best bed sheets as a child?
38) Worst injury youíve ever had?
Cracking my head unconsciously? xD; Not really me but someone who was caring when I was a baby.
39) Do you love where you live?
Yeah, it's okay~
40) How many TVs do you have in your house?
4. Two of 'em are unused xD
41) Who is your loudest friend?
… Do I need to answer this? They'd/she'd know who they/she are/is if they read this xD
42) How many dogs do you have?
One and he is all the way somewhere over there. Ignore grammatical error PZL.
43) Does someone have a crush on you?
As if.
44) Itís overrated.
What is? xD;
45) What is your favorite book?
Er… a lot.
46) What is your favorite candy?
A lot. Again 8D
47) Favorite sports team?
Not familiar.
48) What song do you want played at your funeral?
There'll be lots of new ballads in the future, I don't have to think about it right now xD
49) What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
Sleeping? xD
50) What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
I don't wanna go to school. xD
(Not in order and typed randomly)
1- GinKira
2- GinRan
3- SanaYuki
4- DeiTobi (Interchangeable xD)
5- CloudKadaj
6- RikuSora
7- SasuSaku
8- NejiTen
9- IchiRukia (kinda abandoned, wasn't much of a fan of it anyway)
10- CloudTifa
11- DeiSaku or ItaSaku I hate the initial one more though. (Actually, AnyoneSakura besides Naruto and Sasuke)
12- AnyoneKairi xD;
13- MarLarx-- er… LarxMar? xDDD
14- MarVex
1. Why do you dislike #11 so much?
I hate it. It doesn't exist. Sakura haven't even seen nor met Deidara. I hate it, okay? Shut the fuck up, okay?! D:< I sometimes get the feeling that some not-so-good and Naruto-freshman Naruto writers think of themselves as Sakura and pair her up with Deidara. Whoever sees this and ships this pairing, don't freakin' bash me. This is MY journal and MY opinion. Thank you~ 8D
2. Who do you know that ships #13?
Er… I think one of my friend does. In a way. Maybe I'll go ask her tomorrow xD I remember her talking about the pairing~ Okay, I asked her and she said she used to like it more before but now she's more of a MarVex xD; Marluxia and Larxene seem like a funny pair, like… girl BFFs xD
3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?
HMMM-- WELL, FLUFFS. Lots of fluffs. Because, they seem to be a couple of more fluffs. Y'know it's like… both of them likes each other but they limit themselves only as friends. It could also be a one-sided love until the other realizes that he's starting to return the feelings for the other guy.
I don't really know much about them besides them being in the strongest team, Sanada as Vice Captain and Yukimura as Captain and common sense-y stuffs like that for those who've watched tenipuri.
4. What is your favorite moment for #1?
Uhmuhmuhm… well, this pairing is sorta new. And the thing that got me was this scene:
Some enemy guy (from Espada, forgot his name xD): Ah… so you're the one Gin abandoned.
Kira: Don't ever mention that name in front of me again! *hatehate*
Gin: Oh!
Tosen: What?
Gin: It feels like Izuru's really pissed off…
Tosen: Are you worried? You abandoned him.
Gin: No… I'm just glad he's doing well.
5. How long have you been following couple #6?
Er… not so long. I've played KH: Chain of Memories three years ago but at that time, I hated shounen ai and yaoi with so much passion so the pairing never occurred to me.
When I started liking BL, I remembered all their gay scenes like the one where Sora cried, the one with closing of the gates, the one in the island and blah blah. And I thought, "Not a bad pairing, not bad at all." xD
6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop caring?
Well… a couple of years ago I was just okay with the pairing. I read some fanfics about them and I thought it was pretty cute. After some time, I stopped reading fanfics and the manga and I also stopped watching Naruto for a while. Then some time passed and I started reading the manga again and Tenten's barely there. And when I look back, for some reason, I don't like Tenten that much anymore. Before, she was just okay. Not she's like… in between Okay and Dislike, y'know?
7. Which ship do you prefer--#2 or #4?
WELL-- they're very, very different. As you can see, #2 is a het pairing and #4 is a slash xD; I can't really choose but I can tell you that GinRan was one of the OTPs that made me squeal my head off WWW
8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12.
Disappear Kairi! DISAPPEAR! No one deserves you! D8<
9. What interests you about #14?
Seriously, they hate each other. How can you not like a cliche (hate+hate=love) pairing like them? It's an unspoken slashing tradition xD Besides, they're both pretty men and… if you look at it in a yaoi perspective, theirs is pretty unique. Y'know, vine sex xDDD I'm not really after that though, it's kinda scary WWWW
10. When did you stop liking #7?
I dunno… the spark for me is just gone y'know? I like Sakura, really. But there are times when I get this dislike for her. I don't know why, okay? I just do. She's like Tenten sometimes, in between Okay and Dislike.
11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series?
No, of course not xD I'm still updated with the story to this day xD
12. What's a song that reminds you of #5?
Uh… I don't know o___O; Will change this when I have one though xD
13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?
Right now, they're all neutral.
14. Which do you dislike the most?
AnyoneKairi (aaaannnddd AnyoneSakura)
15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be?
DeiTobi and GinKira I guess? Besides, the series that they come from are pretty popular and they get a lot of crossovers~ Tobi might get along with Gin and Kira but I don't know about Deidara and Gin xD
16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if yes.
Awww that's cute :'D But no, I'm not sure, never seen them kissed. Maybe when they were younger, they did? It's so annoying. Why didn't the series or the manga show what they did when they were together before they joined Seireitei? DDDD:
17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think one is likely?
Nooooooooo… it was sad. Because… well… Deidara died in battle D: It's rather tragic. Andandand-- right, right--- before he died he said sorry to Tobi?! It was so tear jerking *tear* But yeah, sad ending for the pairing xD
18. What would make you start shipping #14?
Crack and fluff PZL XD
19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #6?
Actually-- I can't really pick. I mean, RikuSora's practically canon xD; It just so happens that GinRan was more of my OTP before.
20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?
I don't hate Tifa, 'kay? But if I look at it closely, in a way, she's like the mary sue of the series. Only better. Besides, she can fight :D
t h e l e t t e r : A
- - Are you available?: For what?
- - What annoys you?: I can make a list for ya~
t h e l e t t e r : B
- - Do you know anyone named Billy?: Bill, yes. Billy, no. Maybe Bill's nickname is
Billy? xD
- -When is your birthday?: October 24.
t h e l e t t e r : C
- - What's your favorite candy?: Uh… LifeSavers? Gobstopper? xD Oh, oh-- gummy candies! 8D
- - When was the last time you cried?: I don't know~
t h e l e t t e r: D
- - Do you daydream?: Half of my time, yes.
- - What's your favorite kind of dog?: I don't know, I like lots of 'em.
t h e l e t t e r : E
- - How do you like your eggs?: Soft boiled or
- - Have you ever been in the emergency room?: Yes.
t h e l e t t e r: F
- - Have you ever flown in a plane?: Lots of times~
- - Do you use fly swatters?: Not really.
- - Have you ever used a foghorn?: No, I don't see why I'd use it xD
t h e l e t t e r: G
- - Do you chew gum?: Yes.
- - Do you like gummy candy?: Yes.
t h e l e t t e r : H
- - What's your height?: I'm not updated about my height so I don't know, I'm small though xD
- - What color is your hair?: Black. Well… it's actually dark brown. There are no black hairs unless it's dyed.
t h e l e t t e r : I
- - What's your favorite ice cream: None. I like a lot of them and all are neutral.
- - Have you ever ice skated?: Yeah~
t h e l e t t e r : J
- - What's your favorite jelly bean?: Hm…
- - Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?: Yeah, f'course.
- - Do you wear jewelry?: Sometimes.
t h e l e t t e r : K
- - Who do you want to kill?: A lot of people. Classified information.
t h e l e t t e r : L
- - Are you laid back?: In a way.
t h e l e t t e r : M
- - What's your favorite movie when you were little?: Uh… a lot. Of course Dinsey movies are part of 'em 8D
t h e l e t t e r : N
- - Do you have a nickname?: Niquee.
- - Whats your favorite number?: 24 (or 13 or 3)
- - Do you prefer night over day?: Depends.
t h e l e t t e r : O
- - What's your one wish?: World Peace. But not to the point that the world becomes boring.
- - Are you an only child?: No. Used to be, for seven years.
t h e l e t t e r : P
- - What are you most paranoid about?: A bajillion stuffs.
- - Piercings?: None 'cept the ones in my ears. I want a lip and navel piercing.
t h e l e t t e r: Q
- - Are you quick to judge people?: No but, most of the time, I'm pretty accurate when discerning people.
t h e l e t t e r : R
- - Do you watch reality TV?: Mm, when I happen catch them.
t h e l e t t e r: S
- - Do you prefer sun or rain?: Depends. Sometimes I need the rain for inspiration (angst)
- - Do you like snow?: Yes.
t h e l e t t e r : T
- - What time is it?: 3:47 PM.
- - What time did you wake up?: 6:15 AM.
- - When was the last time you slept in a tent?: Two years ago with two of my friends and one classmate. We were really sardine-d inside. *shudders*
t h e l e t t e r: U
- - Can you ride a unicycle?: No, I don't think so. I haven't even tried it once.
t h e l e t t e r : V
- - What's the worst veggie?: Ampalaya.
t h e l e t t e r : W
- - What's your worst habit?: I have a lot.
- - Where do you live?: ~
t h e l e t t e r : X
- - Have you ever had an X-RAY?: Yeah xD
t h e l e t t e r: Y
- - Do you like the color yellow?: Yeah, sure.
- - What year were you born in?: ~
t h e l e t t e r : Z
- - Do you believe in the zodiac?: It's okay~
- - What's your sign?: Scorpio.
1 - My ex...
is waiting for me in the future. In shorter terms, non-existent.
2 - Maybe I should...
start multi-tasking.
3 - I love...
lots of stuffs.
4 - People would say that I'm...
"asexual" but that only came from one batchmate.
5 - I don't understand...
why I was made so… gah.
6 - When I wake up in the morning...
I go straight to the bathroom and mutter "I don't wanna go to school."
7 - I lost...
the pen that I stole from the desk this morning xD
8 - Life is full of...
disappointment and failure. It's sad, really.
9 - My past is...
regretful and full of failures. My present state is not doing so well either.
10 - I get annoyed when...
I am disappointed by someone but it's even more infuriating when I disappoint myself.
11 - Parties are...
fun? Sometimes. Depends.
12 - I wish...
for World Peace.
13 - Dogs...
are fun.
14 - Cats...
are arrogant xD
15 - Tomorrow...
will be crappy. Prolly.
16 - I have a low tolerance...
for myself. It really gets on my nerves sometimes.
17 - If I had a million dollars...
I'd give half of it to my family. Use the remaining to secure my future and my future family's future. I'll prolly save the excess or donate some of it.
18 - I'm totally terrified...
of… lots of things. Failure in life?
Aaaannddd that's it. That's really a lot. I think it's the longest entry after the one with quizzes before UPCAT (including the pictures). Anyway… time for the entry-report.
My fingers are kinda tired.