hannah's 2015 year in fic

Jan 01, 2016 21:41

2015: in which i went ham on svtwice and wrote a million little drabbles


fics: 40 (+3 chapters) (28 of these are drabbles lol)
female pov: 12
male pov: 21 (why is this such a weird ratio)
both pov: 8
ships: 27
most written characters: krystal and nayeon (confirmed: nayeon is the new krystal)
most written ship: kaistal (as expected)
fandoms written in: exo, f(x), seventeen, twice, got7, miss a, monsta x, aoa, winner, red velvet, 15&, exid, bangtan, lovelyz, wonder girls, 2pm
total word count: 41482

kai/krystal: 5
joshua/nayeon: 4
wonwoo/sana: 3
mini china line (wenhan/yibo/yixuan/tzuyu/minghao/junhui): 3
jr/suzy: 3
dk/mina: 2
mingyu/dahyun: 2
vernon/dahyun: 2
yugyeom/yerin: 1
mark/ayeon: 1
seunghoon/irene: 1
jb/hyejeong: 1
vernon/somi: 1
dino/chaeryeong: 1
s.coups/jungyeon: 1
junhui/minghao/tzuyu: 1
junhui/tzuyu: 1
hoshi/momo: 1
jeonghan/nayeon: 1
s.coups/nayeon: 1
mingyu/mina: 1
jb/irene: 1
jb/dahyun: 1
kai/mina: 1
wonho/krystal: 1
mark/wendy: 1
jungkook/yein: 1
lay/hani: 1
wooyoung/yeeun: 1


Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
Yup, considering most of my year was marked with writer's block. I wondered if this was the year I would finally fall out of fandom but something keeps me coming back. I think it almost has to do with feeling like at least this is one thing in life that I'm good at? Sort of like a refuge of sorts. I wrote approximately a million little drabbles and I mostly wrote fluff this year, which is quite a change. I also started a chaptered fic ( the not so golden days) which is just plain crack haha.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Seventeen and Twice. One does not simply predict your own demise.

Did you take any writing risks this year?
For my krysandkai fic rhetorical questions (and how they are answered), most of the story was in the form of letters, emails, and texts, so that was an interesting experience. Almost made it easier, in a way. Except I wrote it in such a rush that I couldn't put much effort in differentiating their writing voices/style, which would have added more flavor.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
Continue the not so golden days. Write tons of SVTWICE. Get back on the angst train. Be more creative with plots. Really flesh out characters more, even if it's just a drabble or one-shot.

What were last year's goals?
To write the same amount as last year and write a chaptered fic. I think I wrote a surprsingly sizable amount. I also started a chaptered fic that probably won't be finished for a couple years, but lol at least I started one? Very low-key though and doesn't take nearly the amount of planning as an actual chaptered fic would though.


My best story of this year:
I am particularly fond of my Lay/Hani spin-off of Sapphy's fic ( reflection symmetry and the caffeinated mind): harajuku of taipei. Very obscure pairing so it didn't get much love but it's one of my favorites. One of the few pieces about which I have no regrets.

My most popular story of this year:
All my SVTWICE drabbles tbh. Started a collection of them for AFF and we are steadily gaining new shippers ;)

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
the not so golden days crack "sitcom" because how can one ever get enough of gen fic mini china line?! Maybe it's just because it's difficult to find fans that are interested in UNIQ, Seventeen, and Twice to really care about all the characters in my story. Or maybe because there's pretty much no romance at all so people aren't as interested? Who knows.

Most fun story to write:
date crashers ft vernon/dahyun stalking joshua/nayeon's date. I can't with how ridiculous everything turned out :P But also "the not so golden days" because I literally can't get over the episode about Jun teaching the youngsters how to cook and absolutely failing :')

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Probably harajuku of taipei because somehow crafting such an idealistic story grounded in some points of reality makes me feel closer to them. I am super idealistic and often run away from my real-life responsibilities (sigh, OTL) and instead prefer to think up of cool metaphors and flowery words, and hence this fic came about, lol.

Hardest story to write:
rhetorical questions (and how they are answered) was an absolute pain to get started because I was so wrapped up with school and yet there was a deadine that I needed to catch. I slowly but surely cranked it out in literally a few days for hours a day. WHAT A STRUGGLE.

Biggest disappointment:
eleven dollars and forty cents (jb/hyejeong) could've been so much more. OTP deserves better tbh ;_; I need to be more creative than just having poor Jaebum being heartbroken every time.

Biggest surprise:
Didn't know I would slip into the diamond life so fast, never mind even falling for Twice so quickly either... and hence SVTWICE was born and I can't look back now heh. The biggest surprise is that I wrote so much fluff this year that I might get cavities. I can't bring myself to inflict pain on my babies D:

Most unintentionally telling story:
i'm not giving up on you (mark/wendy) - I see glimpses of myself in her, to be honest.

Favorite opening lines:

Five years - five years in the industry, and by now, they all know that idol life isn't all lights and cameras; sometimes it's lights and cameras (the bad kind, the kind that seeps more than skin-deep). (half and half; vernon/somi)

The last thing Yein expected while taking stock of the empty classrooms as part of after school cleaning duty was to open the door to find Jungkook sitting in a corner with no one else around. Er, unless the stuffed bear in his lap counted as a living being. (kimchi delivery; jungkook/yein)

...opening lines are not my strong point tbh

Favorite closing lines:

And yet, with Joohyun, with the scraps and pieces he has held onto, glass shards of a broken picture pressing into his skin - red, he thinks that he has received the whole world. (of all the colors, i hate red the most; jb/irene)

Just as one cannot control the mood of the weather or the sentiment of the sky, this is just how it is. (bus line 41; jeonghan/nayeon)

One day, she finally says hello (wide eyed, honey in her voice), and he's not only starstruck, but the sun and the moon and all the planets have got him too. (i see the whole universe in your eyes; wonwoo/sana)

They had never planned to fall in love, she thinks now, but since when did things ever go according to plan with Seunghoon? Not too often, but for once she doesn't quite mind. (according to plan; seunghoon/irene)

Favorites lines in general:
He is twenty eight and she is twenty seven, at the cusp of just enough youth and just enough adulthood and just enough capacity to love. (harajuku of taipei; lay/hani)

He does not think of telling her a story about once-upon-a-time's because perhaps the best story to tell is right here and now, at a street crossing bustling with people that they can no longer see, in this venn diagram of them. (harajuku of taipei; lay/hani)

Before she can do anything else, he regretfully turns around, away from Joohyun, away from the red, red, redness of the flower bouquets, away from the red clouding his vision, metaphorical blood dripping from where his heart has cracked in two. (of all the colors, i hate red the most; jb/irene)

Sometimes, it's okay to just hop in a bus and sit in the back and not care where you're going - because (she looks down at their clasped hands) maybe it's not where you're going that matters but who you're with. (two for the road; wooyoung/yeeun)

Soon their feelings sank like dripping-down espresso and only the bitterness was left. (eleven dollars and forty cents; jb/hyejeong)

They are finally situated in the kitchen, everyone looking spiffy in their aprons. If Yixuan were here, he would dive into creepy-parent mode and whip out his camera to capture this surely-iconic image. (ep 2: kitchen mayhem; the not so golden days; mini china line)

Conclusion: I really thought I would be way to busy to continue in ficdom but apparently it's a haven for me to relax and just do whatever I want. I also want to shout out to all my new friends I made this year - so many that I lost count but you all mean so much to me! I love talking with you guys on Twitter and laughing at each other's antics and making each other cry when we write angst about our ships (or fluff, y'know). The fic-a-thons were also a big highlight of this year! Really helped me churn out different pairings and forced me to get creative. Some of my favorite fics have been produced becuase of these fic-a-thons. The kpop fic LJ community (especially kpop het) is quite small but I feel that we are so interwoven and close that I feel lucky to be a part of it all! Here's to another year~


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