Jun 07, 2005 21:43
1. What do you wish you had been named? Xavier Guadalupe
2. What is the nickname most people call you? Chrissy, Fat Man, Szado, Kura
3. Do you plan to change your name when you're 18? No
4. If you could become any age you wanted, right now, what age would it be and why? I'm fine as I am.
5. Why is green your favorite color? Godzilla
6. If your first choice of careers doesn't work out, what would you choose as a "backup?" Videogame designer, bitch
7. What holiday could you easily do without? "St. Patricks Day. Nothing happens that day. ever." I concur
8. Assuming you have a crush on somebody, what is it exactly that you like about him/her? "Not ugly, not stupid, not boring?" sounds good to me too
9. What singer or band can you imitate the best? Eminem, 'cuz my rhymes are tight.
10. If your life were a book, what genre would it be? What about it's rating (G, PG, etc)? Science Fiction Action Romance Novel. It would be a book about me killing things really hard-corely and then getting lots of ass. And then later I would be killing things at the same time I'm getting ass. Rated R.
11. Do you worry about finding your soul mate and getting married? Yeah, because I don't think it's ever going to happen.
12. If you could choose how to die, how would you? Oh, shit, I have a lot of answers for this but my favorite one is lighting myself on fire at the 50 yard line of a football game and sitting down and dying monk-style.
13. If you were the opposite sex for a day, would you have sex with somebody of the same sex that you used to be (ex: if you're a girl and turned into a guy for a day, would you have sex with a girl, and vice versa for guys), and why/why not? No. I'm not gay.
Type of chocolate: Yummy type.
Eye color: Green/Hazel
Dog breed: Rotweiler/Black Lab (like my awesome puppy Max).
Period in history: Uh... ew.
Word to use when you want to sound smart: Sound smart? Hahaha, I don't need to "sound" smart.
Candle scent: Oh, French Vanilla a la mode, obviously.
Method of communication (in person, telephone, etc): Person, IM, e-mail
Language: Uh... English
Famous painting: Uh...
Weather: Windy thunderstorms
Summer activity: Videogames, football
Winter activity: same
Computer game: Starcraft
Boredom-buster: Starcraft
Newspaper comic: Uh, yeah, never read them.
Section in a bookstore: Manga/Graphic Novels
Sex/romantic scene in a movie: Definately the sex scene in 8 mile (hahaha, not really).
The one you can stand for the longest amount of time: Hmmm... uh, I don't know.
Wears the funkiest socks: Elliott.
The activist: No idea.
The most boy (or girl) obsessed: Hanlu
The horniest: Josh
The one who you wouldn't care if they disappeared from the face of this earth: Trevor (you bastard)
The best musician: Randy or Elliott
The overachiever: Randy
The DIYer: Josh: "I can make a bong out of anything"
The worst taste in music: Trevor
Needs a life: Apparently myself :_( That's really sad.
You absolutely couldn't live without: Well, I, unlike Randy and Trevor, could live without myself (you know, if it was possible).
The best singer: Elliott
The most expansive vocabulary: No idea.
Has the niftiest house: I dunno, just about everyone other than myself and Eddie.
Has the prettiest handwriting: Vishal (hahaha)
Talks way too much: "Danielle" No she does not! Kurt Schecter
The one you truly worry about: Hmm, myself.
Never gets sick, damn them: Trevor
Elvis or Madonna? Elvis
Green or red? Green
Sci-fi thriller or trashy romance? Sci-fi thriller
Martial arts or yoga? Martial arts
Lollipop or Hershey's Kiss? Hershey's kiss
When you sleep, bedroom door open or closed? Closed
Jacket or sweatshirt? Jacket
Radio or CDs? CDs
Recliner chair or cushion on the floor? recliner chair
Bunk bed: top or bottom? Bottom
Handwriting or typing? Typing
Chicken Soup: the book or the food? Food, of course
Ballet or jazz? I'm a big fan of ballet dancing.
Talked to: Josh
Instant Messaged: Trevor
Hugged: Danielle
Thought about: Danielle ^_^
Fought with: I dunno, Eddie and I fight a lot over stupid shit.
Cried over or about: Have I?
Laughed with: Josh (on the phone with him).
Went shopping with: Uh... the CWC guys to go get Ben a copy of Starcraft ^_^
Watched a movie with: Eddie, Ben, Isaac
Held hands with: Have I?
Comforted when they were upset: Hmm, probably Danielle again. Or Josh. You Emo bitch.
1. If babies could talk at birth, what do you think would be the first thing they say? It's a trap!
2. If you could read minds, would you enjoy knowing what people were thinking, or would breaching their privacy bother you? Would you consider it a burden to know everyone's innermost thoughts? No, then I would know everyone hated me as opposed to just thinking it. Other than that, I wouldn't care about their whole privacy thing.
3. Do you think you could survive in the Middle Ages? Of course
4. If you knew as a little kid what you know now, what one situation would you choose to do differently? Make sure I avoid Trevor until I'm at 14.
5. If you were given the choice to know exactly when, how, and where you would die, would you choose to know? Yeah, of course.
6. If you got pregnant (guys, just play along) before you were ready, what would you do? Light myself on fire.
7. Do you think you would enjoy being the opposite sex for the rest of your life? No
8. If someone came up with an elixir that made you immortal, would you take it? Definately not.
9. Does the thought of being a vampire appeal to or disgust you? I, like my friend Josh, am a vampire slayer. I would have to kill myself.
10. If you were given magical powers to do just one thing, what would you do (besides giving yourself unlimited magical powers)? I would make myself never be full so I could keep eating and eating and eating until head asplode.
11. If you could go back into history and change one thing only, what would you change? I don't know, anything to make me more awesome.
12. What do you think the repercussions of the change will be? Me being more awesome.
1. Did you think this survey was truly original? More so than others I've taken
2. Did you enjoy its originality, or did it annoy you to have to think instead of mechanically filling out answers? I enjoyed it.