An update finally!

Apr 17, 2010 13:45

I have been pretty busy as of late, and when I wasn't doing something and I had some down time, I found things to do so here is a long time coming post.

And it's only because I don't feel that well today that this is even being posted, haha.

Well, as you probably know I came back to Japan with Katie this time and we traveled around quite a lot.  Even though we didn't go all the places that Katie wanted to, we only really had a few days that we weren't going somewhere.  The previous post is a list of all the things we did... but I can't elaborate on them right now because it would take me all day to write about it.

Katie left on the 2nd of April (Friday), and then I had to be back with CIEE the following Monday.  That day I moved into my dorm and got settled.  The next few days we didn't really have anything to do so I just hung out with Emily and Ai-chan and sometimes Naoko.  On Thursday and Friday, CIEE took us to Kyoto where we had to conduct a research project.  Since we didn't really have a set plan, we went to the textile factory called Nishijin and it was really quite the experience.  They produce everything that has to do with kimono there, including their own silk.  It was a really interesting experience, and we saw a kimono fashion show there as well.

After that, Ai-chan and I went to the Ginkakuji, the golden temple.  At the end of the temple grounds they had an area where one can get their fortunes kind of things.  They had them in English for once so Ai-chan and I got those rather than the Japanese rather than making George translate it for us later.  This isn't really that interesting of a story except for the fact that Ai-chan's flew out of the machine, which made me laugh really hard because it was supposed to be a "good" one, but everything that it said was quite back-handed.  Next, we had to go to a performance in Gion and then tea-ceremony.

I remembered once, when I was looking for the karate club I ran into this girl Ayumi, who I knew from CIEE orientation.  She said that she would join the karate club but it's just so much of a traditional Japanese thing that she didn't want to.  After watching the things in Gion I can kind of understand where she was coming from.  Traditional Japanese things such as calligraphy, tea-ceremony and flower arrangement are cool in thought but in practice they are quite boring.  Everything about them is very strict and even the slightest movement can make the whole practice messed up.

So now I get it.

This Monday, classes started finally.  My final schedule is like this:
1st P.- off
2nd P- Japanese
3rd P- Modern Japanese Fiction

1st P.- Japanese Women's History
2nd P. - Japanese
3rd P. - off
4th P. - Introduction to International Realtions

2nd P. - Japanese

All of those classes have a lot of studying and reading that needs to be done.  I was thinking that I should try and get a part-time job but I don't know if that's going to work out.  I also need to try my best in Japanese because I need to get into 4th year Japanese when I go home.  If I don't it's going to mess up my schedule for the rest of my classes so I really need to try this semester.  (I also registered for my fall classes the day BEFORE I registered for my classes here, now.  Weird, right?)

I also went back to karate practice on Saturday, for the first time in two months.  :)  It was fun, but it was sad too because Yagi-sempai was going to leave for retirement that day and I didn't know. :(  Even though he beat us up with working us, he was our favorite (mine, Bastian and Sana's) and Sana said that at Watanabe-san's graduation party you could tell that Yagi-sensei really had an effect on those guys. So sad...

Tuesday night's practice, I felt kind of bad for Nishi-san because he was the only Japanese person there.  Four new exchange students joined, and then there was me, Sana, Bastian, Fran and Oo-san... so... that was interesting.  Thursday night, only one of those new exchange students showed up but that was even worse because Nishi-san had something else he needed to do and left us with Oo-san.  But, he said that it was fun that way... that guy.  After a while, Makoto came in too, so he kinda took over.  I talked to him a little bit and he said that he's probably done with job-hunting.  How lucky~  Then, later that night Takeda-san came too and he said that maybe he is done too.  What's up with that??  Wai, I'm so happy for them, so quickly... that's great.

Yesterday it was rainy and cold as hell.  And, I was starting to feel not so good... which, I was hoping that I would be okay but it's worse today.  Naoko has been sick for the past four days so I might have whatever she had.  Since I probably am healthier than she is, I should be okay and not out for that long but we'll see... this sucks.  Classes just started and we're getting sick... what the heck??

I feel like there is so much more to say because it's been so long, but that's really all I have.

in japan, karate, school

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