I always have to look back and see what the last thing I wrote about was so I don't repeat myself. Hahah anyways.
Thursday night was karate like usual. Afterwards, Makoto-san invited us to go with them after practice on Saturday to "Japanese Baa" is how they say it, it's so funny to hear it. I totally spaced out that Saturday was Halloween and said yes because it would be a good time to get to know everyone. We were also asked if we wanted to go to the karate championship tournament on Tuesday which I had been hearing about from Fran. I had been wondering if we were going to be invited, and I really wanted to go to that too. So, I was excited. Until I got on the train that is, because I remembered that Saturday night was Halloween and that Emily and I were going to hang out. And then Tuesday there was a concert that she wanted to go to. I felt really bad, but she said "don't guilt yourself about it, this is your chance to make new friends..." but I still felt bad.
Friday was school. Boring. :P
Saturday I can't really remember what I did before practice. I think that I was talking to Katie, but she was watching Ghost Adventures with her dad, and I don't really remember what else happened that day. Hm.... Well, during practice the scary older instructor who speaks English took us little exchange students and did drills with us. He wasn't as scary as the first time I met him but he was still pretty scary. After that, he told us that if we had any questions about Japanese that we could ask him because he used to be an English teacher.
Then, Sana and I went and got changed. You know it's a bad thing when the girls finish before the guys, right? Well those jerks have showers in their locker room and the girls don't so I guess we got screwed there haha. First, Fran came up and said "They said please wait for them a little longer, I have plans so I am not coming." And then Nishi-san came up and said the same thing (except he was done already, and so was the German guy, his name is Bastean, but I don't know how to spell it.) ...we waited for like twenty minutes for those stupid guys, seriously!!! We just went to a "Japanese baa" in Yotsuya which was a restoraunt too, but on the way there they couldn't believe that none of us drink. One guy... whose name I SHOULD remember and can't...(Takeda) said that all the exchange students he's met are drinkers, and they all thought it was weird. But, Omura-san doesn't drink either. They gave him a hard time, but not us after that. And man, those guys can drink. They didn't even get tipsy and they drank a ton it was amazing. Maybe I have only been around lightweights or something.
It was fun though, as long as someone was talking it was fine. I talked to Nishi-san and Makoto-san the most because they were sitting by me, but they were also able to dumb down their questions so that I could understand what they were asking unlike the guy whose name I should remember (we took the same train home tonight and he talks too fast for me haha.) We left around 9, 9:30ish and then Sana departed from us too. One of the guys who has graduated already asked me "Is she always so nervous?" and I was like ...yeah. I have Japanese class with her as well as another class and that's how she always is. He LOL'd at me when I said that, but it's true. She freaked him out numerous times Saturday because instead of trying to say it slowly so they could understand her, she got out a pen and wrote things down.
Have I mentioned that the graduated guy and Makoto-san both have pretty good English skills? I mean, Makoto-san isn't THAT good, but he's pretty good... so she really didn't need to do that the entire night. ...
On the train ride home, another American-esque looking girl ...another white girl, got onto the train after I did and she gave me a nasty weird look. It was weird.
Sunday, I met up with Emily at the school festival and we hung out for a while. We got bored there though, because it was so crowded so we skipped out on the rest of it and went to Shinjuku. We found a 100 yen shop there, and bought some snacks and then we sat down on the curb and watched the horse race on the huge screen by the station with everyone else. Then, we went to find Don Qioxte (sp) which is a really... random shop. They had Halloween costumes but Halloween was over so they were on sale. Kind of... still expensive. We found a HUGE department store which had Kinukuniya (a book store,) Tokyuu Hands and another department store in it. It was amazing and we spent a huge amount of time there.
Monday I woke up to swollen eyes like I had been crying (and I hadn't been.) They were so bad that I couldn't get my contacts in and I just wanted to go back to bed. I also had a cough and stuffy nose and didn't really want to go out in the rain like that. I ended up staying home most of the day, but I took Chelsea her umbrealla so that I could get out of the house. She was working in her circle's Boba shop and she tried to give me some, but I said no because of my throat. Milk tea would not help that for sure. After she asked Kouji-san if she could take a break, she showed me how to get to a pharmacy and I went there and bought some cold medicine. The lady who I talked to was really nice, but the medicine she wanted to give me was really expensive (2100 yen) so I asked her for the smaller box. Then I came home.
Tuesday was the karate tournament!!! I told Kyle Peters yesterday that I was going to it no matter how I felt, and I went! But, not before I bought a mask so I wouldn't get anyone else sick. That morning I actually felt fine, but I still wore the mask anyway and I am going to wear it (well a new, clean one I mean.) I left home at 9 and went to Shinjuku (again) to meet Fran at 10. I was super early, but Shijuku Station is HUGE and I didn't want to get lost and run out of time so I got there early. I saw Sana on the other side of the gate, so I went over to her and then I saw Fran and Dimitri, so we all gathered together. Fran asked if I was sick (I got that question a lot,) but he said thanks for wearing the mask so I wouldn't get anyone else sick. We waited for Makoto-san and then we went to the Odakyuu line to see that it was delayed. Oh joy... ><
On the platform, we ran into Nishi-san who was looking akward like usual (It's true, sorry if that sounds mean, I don't mean it to.) When he saw us he calmed down a little bit. When the train came, we packed on which sucked because the ride was about an hour... boo. But, it wasn't boring and I didn't fall asleep like I thought I would because Makoto-san talked to me, and asked me about Colorado and the weather there and stuff. Everyone is very interested about Colorado for some reason. I think because they don't know it haha. (Oh, and Makoko-san and Nishi-san also both asked me if I had a cold. There's three. :P)
When we got to Isegahara Station, we met up with the other guys in front of the bread store where they bought lunch. From there we took taxis to the gym (it wasn't as pricey as I thought it would be, 710 yen for 2 km... but it did end up costing about 1400 yen on the way there.) Omura-san payed for the whole thing, because apparently he's rich (I'm being sarcastic. I have no idea in actuality.) so whether he wants it or not, I am giving him 1000 yen on Thursday for that. (He payed for the way back to the station too.) (I tried to give him some money and he said that it was the club's money that paid for the taxi and wouldn't take the money. He kept saying that it wasn't his money... I don't know if I believe him or not, but I also feel bad for using the club's money too.) When we got there, the kids (like elementry school?) were doing their things (kata and sparring.) It was cute to see and interesting too, because the katas are so much... prettier than the ones that I learned. Omura-san, Oo-san (I guess that's his name? Everyone calls him that,) the one who graduated (Kunitaka) and the one whose name I can't remember also ALL ASKED ME IF I HAD A COLD. Haha. The last one joked that maybe I have influenza a couple of times and I kept telling him "インフルエンザじゃないよ!!”but since he was just messing with me, he laughed every time. ><
We watched them warm up for a really, really long time. We got there at 12:30, but they didn't start the matches for the adults until like... probably 2? But, once it got going it was quick sadly. I mean, sparring for just one minute can be killer and there were a lot of people but it still seemed like it went fast. I took some pictures, but once I figured it out, I took more videos than pictures. Most of our club lost pretty quickly, but Nishi-san and Omura-san made it pretty far in the point sparring. Omura-san actually got third place in the adult division, so that was neat. おめでとう!!
That guy is seriously too nice though, because after his matches I asked him if he was tired, and he ignored my question and asked me if I was okay with my cold. ... -_-
We watched the final matches too, which was interesting but not that interesting because it was just more of the same. :P
After that was the ...awards? I guess. That took a long time, because they called everyone up (maybe up to fifth place?) and gave them certificates and the people that got up to third got trophies and maybe the others got medals or something? I saw some people had medal like things (Nishi-san did... I don't know what it was for sure though.) FINALLY, it was time to go home. It was about 6pm by this time, and when we got outside it was COLD. All of them yelled 『寒い!』 once we got out there. It really was cold though, it felt like it was about 20 degrees because of the humidity maybe? Nishi-san called the taxis and I guess some of them were running a little behind, and he put me and Sana in the first one that came. (I don't want to sound like an asshole here, but I think it's so weird that I can understand and speak more Japanese than people who have taken it longer than me. In actuality I have only been learning Japanese for 1 year and a few odd months, where as some people I know have been taking it for a few years and it's just so weird. Anyways, off topic.) We went to the station with the graduated guy (I need to learn his name... or remember it. I talk to him a lot. ...my bad.) and Omura-san decided to come with us too. We waited for everyone else in front of the same bread store that we met at before, and Makoto-san bought more food, he said that he was starving but I am sure they all were haha.
The train was even worse coming home. We had to take two different ones to get back to Shinjuku because the one that we got on was limited, so we switched onto another crowded train in the middle. Oo-san and Omura-san talked to me and Sana a bit, but I think that Omura-san is shy so it was hard for him to talk to us. Oo-san said that Omura-san's trophy box was actually a pistol and that made things a little easier :) We talked a little about manga and music and maybe movies a little bit but that was pretty much all. Oo-san out of no where said "I am Chinese." (he uses random English sometimes,) which I kind of knew but wasn't sure because he doesn't have an accent when he speaks Japanese. Then he asked me "Do you speak Chinese?" I just look at him, and then said "No." -_- He laughed, I guess it was funny? When we got to Shinjuku, all the guys were talking about getting something to eat, which I wanted to also but I only had 1000 yen to my name until the next day. I told Makoto-san and they somehow found a all you can eat Indian curry place in Shinjuku that cost exactly 1000 yen.
That was very good Indian curry by the way. :) The most popular question I have been asked by Japanese people so far is "What is your favorite Japanese food?" and I always say okonomiyaki, because ever since Kazu-san and Aki-san made it for us I have been in love with it (although I do love Aki-san's yakisoba too.) They were all interested because they didn't expect me to say that and then Oo-san said that Makoto-san is good at making okonomiyaki. I said "教えてください♥" which suceeded in embarassing him and it was fantastic (I'm not being mean when I say that. I don't know how to explain it but I feel like they are accepting me into their group.) Makoto-san is really funny when he's as tired as he was Tuesday night... :P Then, around 9 Sana decided that she was going home because she wanted to study for the Japanese test we had on Wednesday. She didn't really explain what she was doing when she got up to anyone except me so I had to tell the others what was going on, and the same guy that was picking on me about maybe having influenza gave me a hard time because I wasn't going home to study too. (I did really well on that test, just in case you are wondering.)
About ten, fifteen minutes later Fran says to me "She forgot her bag Korin." She texted him. I checked my phone and sure enough I had two missed calls from her. She called me again and asked me if it was there. There it was, her big messenger bag under her chair. She asked me if I could bring it to her Wednesday and I said yes that was fine. Most of them really got a kick out of that. :/ But seriously, how could she forget that, something that big and important? I just don't get it. Apparently none of them did either, but it wasn't that big of a problem, it wasn't heavy or anything. It did however have her textbooks for Japanese class in it. I wonder if she studied for that test at all now that I think about it. Well, the guy who has graduated from college already took it from me and carried it to the station for me which was really nice of him.
On the way home, I rode on the train with the guy who was picking on me about influenza (I'LL LEARN HIS NAME ON SATURDAY I SWEAR! EDIT: I think his name is Takeda. HE WASN'T AT PRACTICE SATURDAY OKAY?) because he transfers at my station. It was nice to be able to talk to him, but unlike Makoto-san he doesn't really dumb it down for me and he talks a little fast haha. I found something in common with him though, he loves American Baseball. We got to talk about that a lot, because he really likes the Yankees but he knows about the Rockies too. He said that he thinks the Rockies have strong hitters but their pitchers suck. What do you think about that? I guess this is only directed you people who watch baseball, because I didn't really follow the Rockies this season. The other thing that amused me to no end was I asked him if he did sports in high school. He said yes, baseball. I knew it just from looking at him that he did baseball but I didn't know how to say that in Japanese... He said that he really, really loves baseball. :) He said that if he can go to the U.S. that he wants to see the Yankees play, and I hope that he can. That would be great ^_^
Wednesday, I had my Japanese test oh joy. I studied before class started, because I didn't get home until 10:30 on Tuesday night, and I just took a shower and went to bed. Studying before class always seems to go well for me though because I only missed about 8 points on this test, I got an A :D After Japanese class, I went to the yubinkyouku and got some money from the ATM there and I somehow beat Melissa, Brianna and Sana to the cafeteria where we were going to meet to work on our Japanese skit even though they just had to go down to the basement and I walked all the way over to the post office... weird. Jaren was in the usual place and we invaded his table.
We didn't get much done on it. We decided which grammar points that we wanted to use and the scene we wanted to use for our skit, but then we started having too much fun talking about the weekend (Jaren went to Okinawa and Melissa went to Kyoto and Nara.) Then Emily came down too, and everything just was lost when it came to Japanese after that. Jaren invited us to go shopping at Tokyo Dome with him and Mark and Wey (I think that's his name?) but Emily had a doctor appointment and then we were actually meeting her host father for dinner so we didn't have time sadly. Jaren said that as long as I plan it we can go another time (he said that guys don't plan to go shopping.)
We also decided that since Christmas is such a big couples holiday, that those of us who are going to be here are going to get together and cause trouble for all the couples. At first Jaren was all sad because he thought that he was going to be alone for Christmas, but then we came to learn that many of us are staying here. It was decided by him that "As long as you don't get boyfriends, we'll hang out on Christmas" and it's said and done.
I came home after that, and tried to get some homework done but Sasa-chan and Saya-chan really wanted to play. I missed them too, because I hadn't been home very much, but I also didn't feel very good and I really needed to get the homework done so it was frusterating. Thankfully, Aki-san made them leave me and Chelsea alone so we could get some stuff done. I've made a plan to play with them a bunch on Friday night when I get home. I told Sasa-chan "tomorrow's tomorrow," because she doesn't understand "the day after tomorrow" haha, so cute.
I went to meet Emily about 5, and then we went to find her host father's company. We're idiots... it's right outside the subway station exit and we went the wrong way looking for it. Emily's host father is really cute though, he spoke a mixture of Japanese and English much like Oo-san. He took us to a traditional sushi restaraunt with tatami mats and everything. There was way too much food for me and Emily, but we figured that we should try and eat it all. I can't even tell you everything that I ate because I don't know what kinds of fish most of them were. First, we had sashimi (it was sushi without the rice, I guess? Haha. I thought that sashimi was raw meat but apparently it can be just fish too.) Then, we had some sort of amazing fish but I don't know what it was (that happens to me a lot here.) After that, Emily's otoosan said that the main course was coming. Emily and I were both like 'O____O There's more?' ...I had sea urchin. It was weird, so weird. It didn't taste bad but it looked... really gross.
After we finished, we left and Emily's host father's boss showed me how to get to the station. It turns out that we were really close to Shinagawa (where I live) in Kanda, and he took me all the way to the platform and said either train was fine to take home (there were two different lines.) I finished reading the chapters of Genji Monogatari on the way back, thankfully. I got home and started my homework, but then I got distracted by Emily because she sent me an article about a girl who got gang-raped outside her high school. That got me worked up, and I had to show her some of the sick things that I have found. We also got into a stupid arguement on Facebook AND through cell-phone email, which was really funny. ...I finished my homework, but not until midnight. -_-
Thursday I had a really long day, because we had to spend second period and lunch writing our skit for Japanese class that we didn't do on Wednesday. Melissa and I pretty much whipped the whole thing out, since Bri has the most lines, and we gave the thing to Sana to type up. (Yes, she is in my Japanese class... o.o) We finished that up before lunch finished and we went to Buddhist Traditions and tried not to fall asleep... I am seriously so disappointed in that class...
After that, I had Japanese Lit, and that was really terrible for some reason too. Everything was going by so slow on Thursday, it was really annoying. The best part about lit was that I made George sit with me and Emily (I actually mailed him on Wednesday night to tell him he had to, because he never sits with us and we miss him.) Through the process of the class, I managed to break his stapler but I made up for it by drawing a really odd looking girl. He asked me if it was supposed to be me, and when I said no Emily whispered "Korin has a mask." (I wore the mask all week.) So George took Emily's eraser and put it over my girls mouth, but I took it away and decided that it was him... if he were a girl.
That class was terrible though, in all seriousness. We just did discussion on the questions that we were assigned for homework (this is a new thing, we didn't have to do this until recently) which made for a boring class. Afterwards, Geri asked per usual if anyone wanted to go get a snack and since Emily had to meet Hiroko-san to go to the doctor again, I went with her and Naoko. But, Geri went to the bathroom, so Naoko and I went to 7-11 and waited for her there and it was nice because I was just able to talk to Naoko (and Jamie walked with us there, who I hardly ever get to talk to.) While we were at 7-11, Geri complained that she hates something or another because of something or another, and thankfully Chelsea and Shengjie (don't even try to pronounce her name, it's hard lol.) came along. Shortly after that, we all split up and I went to get changed for karate.
As I mentioned above, I tried to give Omura-san money for the taxi on Tuesday but he wouldn't take it. We did usual warm-ups, but it was weird because that national champion guy that I mentioned before was there too (I learned his name, it's Watanabe, I heard Makoto-san say it... haha.) And then, per usual we did kick drills too... and per usual as of late I worked with Makoto-san. I was thinking about it, and I heard him say that the Japanese students should pair up with an exchange student but he said that before and I still ended up working with Sana... -_-; I wonder if he notices that I can't kick properly with her holding the pads for me or something because I haven't had to work with her in a long time. I'm not complaining!! But... Makoto-san kicks hard... and high... and my arms shake really bad hahaha.
But, I guess he hurt his foot on Tuesday or something because he couldn't do roundhouse kicks on one side. He tried, and it hurt so he stopped... and then tried again, and then he couldn't kick on the other side either because he couldn't stand on the hurt foot like he wanted to. ...goofy boy. I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but Makoto-san doesn't wear his glasses during practice and I guess he can't see crap. Usually when people come into the gym, Omura-san has to point them out to him, or he sees their figure and asks who it was. I noticed someone watching us from the second floor earlier during our floor drills, but I didn't think much of it because it happens all the time. Halfway through my turn, Omura-san went over to talk to the person who was looking lost... Turns out it was Clark (he's in CIEE with me.) We stopped (just me and Makoto-san) so he could go talk to this person too, see what they wanted. When Clark waved to me, they both looked at me like "WHO IS HE??" to which I just said "Oh he's my friend."
He had them both totally fooled too. They had no idea that he was an exchange student, they thought that he was Japanese (he's Chinese.) He's such a goof though, he asked if he could watch and Omura-san got him a chair, but he kneeled on the floor. ... I told him to sit in the chair, that it was for him but he wouldn't do it for like ten minutes. I think that Omura-san finally talked him into it but I don't know for sure.
After we finished we took a break, and then Watanabe-san was assigned to teach us lowly exchange students and Keigo kata. Watanabe-san doesn't speak English by the way. I think that he speaks the least out of everyone I have talked to so far actually, even less than Omura-san (although I think that he pretends he doesn't know... I get the feeling) and the Influenza-joking guy. Right before we started this, Clark decided that he wanted to try... Clark, in his skinny jeans and designer clothes. It was realy amusing to see but he did it somehow. We learned two kata, and they are REALLY TOTALLY different than the ones I learned back home. Somehow I think that Mr. Klenda had combined Tae-kwon do and karate and... judo or something.
We ended like a half an hour early, and I somehow ended up getting home later than usual. I think it's because I felt like I had to protect Clark against the guys HAHAH. He decided that he's joining though which will be interesting. I don't really mind, but that's one of the things that I liked about karate. I was the only CIEE student there... now, I'm not. Clark asked about getting a uniform (he has absolutely no work out clothes, or even baggy shirts here apparently, big surprise.) and Makoto-san asked me if I had one because I just wear my pants and a t-shirt to practice. If I change my mind and decide that I want to participate in a tournament, I have to have a full white uniform so I figure that I can just buy one. I don't know who is going with us for sure, but we're going tomorrow after practice. Yay, uniform!!
I talked to Keigo a little bit after practice, because I was wondering where he had been. He had the flu... and he said that the doctor didn't know if it was H1N1 or not but he had to stay home. That sucks... but at least he's better now, he was gone forever. I haven't seen him since that first time I talked to him.
Coming home, I rode the train with Watanabe-san. He talks WAY to fast for me to follow him, but I did learn that he has been doing karate for TEN YEARS. He taught me the name of the style of Karate we do too, it's called shiou-ryou style (I think.) He really loves karate, probably just like the other guy loves baseball. I also learned that he's a senior (possibly why he usually only goes to Saturday practice) and that we're bascially the same age... like only a few weeks apart. That's so crazy.
I noticed last night that when I come home and I take the mask off, that my throat hurts far easier than when I am wearing the mask. I can breathe through my nose so I don't get it, really. My cough sounds tons worse than it is, and I don't actually cough that much.
Naoko was semi-apalled that I went to practice even though I have a cough. (I don't wear the mask during practice. That would be stupid.) But, she also told me that I am turning Japanese because I wasn't even made to wear the mask by Aki-san. I just went and bought it myself, there's no sense in getting people sick if this isn't a sinus infection... And, I guess I am starting to see why people keep saying "I didn't realize that you were so close" about us... I think that we have a weird relationship haha. Again, not complaining about it.
Today I came straight home and I played with Sasa-chan and Saya-chan finally. I also showed my pictures from Tuesday to Kazu-san and Aki-san, which I can't tell how they felt about it... I wonder now though. We were told that our host families want to know about us, so...
I also successfully sent a text message in Japanese, I was so proud of myself. I needed to ask Makoto-san how much money a uniform would cost (I told Clark that I would do it and let him know) so I did, and when he mailed me back I only had to look up one kanji. Not that he used that many, but still. :D
I AM FINALLY DONE WITH THIS ENTRY!! It took me four days to finish it, haha. <3
If you want the videos of the matches from the karate tournament, you need to let me know. I am not posting those online.
Here are some pictures from it though;
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=122836&id=501763026&l=f3136f62b5 EDIT: OMG I learned tonight that the "graduated guy" that I keep talking about and I talk to was the World Champion for this particular style of karate. O__O I really need to remember his name now!! I suck!! It's Ta-something. >___<