On the road to being a "crunchy" mommy.

Feb 13, 2010 00:57

Urban Dictionary defines a "crunchy mama" as a "Mother who supports homebirth, breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, gentle discipline, etc. One who questions established medical authority; tends to be vegetarian and/or prepare all-organic foods. See crunchy and hippie."

It derives from the hippie movement decades ago when they were called "granola" or "crunchy". Now this is a general catch-all because some mothers who call themselves crunchy don't do all of these or they do more.
I am pro-breastfeeding, baby wearing, natural childbirth, and cloth diapering. I prefer organic or locally farm raised foods. Even though I've had some difficulties, these are my ideals. I've always wanted a water birth but I had to have a C-section with the babe. For the next I'm pushing for a natural birth. I'd prefer that he was exclusively breastfed but I don't produce enough so half of his daily nutrition is supplemented with formula. I love baby wearing and for now it's more nurturing and convenient to use a mei tai. We don't even have a stroller yet. I try to recycle as much as possible and it works out that we have great programs in our condo and at work. They even do composting at my jobsite. I was a cloth diaper baby and I always knew that when I had kids I would do the same for them. It's been SO easy to implement and I just shake my head when my family members make comments. I'm a work in progress and I hope that I can pass on some of my ideals to my son.


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