It's my birthday today YAY! At first I wasn't excited but I had a change of heart last night after I got some good news. Thanks to the hubby for being optimistic. :) Bonsai decided to be my alarm clock this morning. I'm grateful since I had turned off my alarm yesterday and didn't reset it. He nibbled on my hand for like 10 minutes while I was getting ready so I'm not really sure what that was about. My older sister called me this morning and had the nerve to say that I'm getting old. Whatever chick you got my age wrong. LOL. Little one called me but she was off by a few minutes. We usually call each other at the time that we were born. She's 7:35 AM and NEVER awake when I call her. I love it. I thought about being cute for work today and THEN I saw the temperature. Um, no. Let's dress more sensibly and not get frostbite on the chest LOL. Speaking of which it's freezing in the building and I'm glad I have on layers. I hate having headlights. Oh, I should have worn one of these to work. LOL
A friend of mine is coming into town today and I can't wait to see her. She was one of my running buddies in college and it's been 6 years since we've seen each other. Back when you could walk someone up to their gate at the airport. Woo. A bunch of us are going to dinner tomorrow night so this should be crazy. I have to remember to bring my camera. I need to wash my hair before we head to dinner though. Gotta have a fresh wrap for the weekend.
I'm thinking about applying to work at the Apple store part time. I really want a discount. LOL
I am a lover of commercials. So here are some of the one that have me DYING! - Sprint locker room -Nextel Ooh Baby Baby Birth Control. He just needs his ass beat. LOL -Geico Caveman commercial - Snickers Happy Peanuts - T-Mobile Secret Lovers - Snickers I'm Batman
I read a very good quote today: "Most people learn by observation, and there are the few who learn by experimentation. And then there are those who actually TOUCH the fire to see if it's really hot." -Anonymous
ETA: I just realized that it's an extra special Friday because I was born on a Friday. W00T! I've already had someone sing to me so I am a little afraid of answering my phone again today LOL