'ello, persons who may or may not read this. I'm Kura, and this Livejournal shall be for documentation of my fantastic adventures with The Sims 2. Funfun, yes?
I'm extremely new to this, by the way. More than anything else, I was inspired by
sea_serpent's awesome sims to go get my own. And I've hardly played still, because of a bunch of school junk and other distractions... hrm. And I haven't really had any incredibly exciting things happen yet, but I'm already in love with my darling Aubrey sim. <3 Nonetheless, I want to start chronicling their going-ons... So I think I'll start with this.
A forewarning, I am just now looking up how to not suck at screenshots, so all my first bunch of pictures will be either bizarre shapes and sizes and including pieces of menus and whatnot because I just used Print Screen and cropped to what I wanted, or horribly poor quality because I used the in-game camera with bad settings.
A second warning, all the families I've created so far have been based on my preexisting characters, and my characters are pretty damn weird. Expect great amounts of gay and persons of indeterminate gender. Hm... and my sense of humor's probably a bit odd too, when it comes to my comments... I expect there will be plenty of things that I choose to share becase they amused me that no one else will care about.
Eh, and I suppose that's all I have to say as a sort of welcome to myself.
I'm not going to start posting stuff just yet, but the two families I've created so far are the Garniers who live in Pleasantview and the Torys (not to be confused with American Revolution Tories?) who live in a generally empty created neighborhood. I might not post the Torys at all though... Well, maybe just a picture of Alice because he's just so lovely~ (Yep, a boy named Alice. See what I mean about gender issues?)
By the way, that's Aubrey Garnier in my currently-only userpic. Being adorable, as is his specialty.