Here goes, the first post of my actually playing the Garniers.
At first I only took pictures if Aubrey was being particularly adorable or something was easy to laugh at, and even then I often forgot, so I don't have much record of their first days. And I didn't bother to adjust my visual/camera settings and learn how to use different camera control tools and modes for a little while, so the pictures would've sucked anyway (indeed, the first bunch do).
And so, their first adventures! About 25 pictures, many of them rather large.
One of the first things to greet me as I started playing them was this in Aubrey's wants:
Um, Aubrey, dearie? You're a teenager. And considering that it's your first day of being a teenager, you're essentially 13. Would the game even allow you to drink?
Otherwise, the beginning was fairly tedious for me, because I was obsessing over keeping everyone's needs in the green. Which was difficult, as I only had the default $20,000 work with and wanted to keep some extra (I'm just now realizing that I probably saved more than I needed to), so their house is rather ugly and empty, and Jonathan always had a very low environment bar (at least I assume that was the reason, because I've since bought some things and it's improved). And it suits him well enough; his actual character is supposed to be a wealthy businessman. Poor dear, forced to part with his wealth for the time being.
He was also quick to develop his habit of wanting to clean everything, which seems to occasionally amuse Rebecca.
But he doesn't do all the work... though, Rebecca really doesn't do much of it either.
Aubrey settled into normal narcissistic character rather quickly...
So quickly that he had time to creep me out by absorbing a bit of Alice's character for a moment. (Alice, by the way, is a mostly unrelated character who would be rather inappropriately nonchalant about lying in bed with his father and discussing kissing.)
Surprisingly, they do occasionally have fairly normal family meals (not much anymore though, because Rebecca took up a night job). Except for the whole... lack of table. And their fascinating discussions of roadsigns while eating.
Really, they can hardly be called normal.
And this is a perfect example of why.
Aubrey: And this stupid game won't even let me wear dresses!
Rebecca: Eh, you couldn't pull it off anyway.
Aubrey: I'll have you know, I look fantastic in a dress!
And they must argue the matter in the bathroom, no less.
And one day I took the family to the park (mainly because I wanted to explore the town myself) and found that he likes to discuss his girlish tendencies with strangers, too.
Aubrey: Did you know that I'm wearing makeup? =D
He was really pretty adorable on that swing, though. I'm annoyed that my picture quality was so poor and I didn't know how to get closer yet.
But, really, Aubrey spends most of his time being adorable as it is.
Now, skip a bit of sim-time and about a week of Kuralife... during this time I learned how to take pictures that don't entirely suck, and decided to at least attempt to chronicle a bit of the Garniers' normal going-ons. I also got the house to a point of decentness so that I wasn't constantly worrying about Jonathan's environment need, and realized that people do randomly walk by outside all on their own accord and that I can go meet them, so some of the tediousness went away. So the next batch of pictures will be at least a little better.
So, one lovely Sim morning starts off with...
Aubrey: Hey, mom, congrats on getting married, like, 17 years ago!
Rebecca: Um, thanks?
And the next thing she does after the family wakes up in the morning is serenade her husband.
In front of the refrigerator (I'm pretty sure Jonathan just wanted some breakfast). It's pretty clear where Aubrey gets his weirdness.
Meanwhile, said child practices talking to himself. As if he needed more encouragement to stand in front of a mirror or to debate.
Um, dearie? Since when are you against art? You have a freaking fetish for artists.
First the art-hate, and now this? Okay, you're just trying to piss Jackie me off, aren't you?
But apparently watching Aubrey argue with himself constitutes good breakfast-time entertainment for his parents.
Aubrey makes some rather horrifying faces.
And again, I have no question where it comes from.
Checking himself out in the mirror. Of course. Sorry, dearie, but those pajamas really are not that flattering on you.
I was very amused to find that Meadow Thayer (who I recognized from
sea_serpent's Stuhl legacy) stopped by.
This is picture number 34. I'll let that fact speak for itself.
(Aubrey, by the way, is desperate for his first kiss, being a Romance sim and whatnot. It's been in his wants basically the entire time, and by this point I believe about 7 simdays had already gone by.)
Did you just reject a hug? Why would you reject a hug from the first teenage sim that's actually taking an interest in you?! Sorry to say, not the way to get that first kiss, dearie.
They got along eventually, though.
And Meadow went home and all was well, except that she and Aubrey have negative chemistry. Arrggh.
Okay, seriously. Alice doesn't even exist in this neighborhood. You have no excuse to be absorbing his reverse-pedophilia and dreaming about old men.
If you noticed that Jonathan doesn't show up much, that's because he's always cleaning something. Or randomly relaxing somewhere, even though it does nothing but LOWER his needs (including comfort, WTF?).