Time for a point-form update!
-First! My audition for Cap: it went well. Not perfect, but it was okay. The dancing and the monologue I felt I did really well with, the singing was okay, and the interview is horrible. (and before anyone asks, it went so bad I literally do not want to talk about it). I was there with a group of four others so there was five of us in total. They were all very nice and I made friends with all of them, which was actually a goal of mine, lol, because I thought they'd all hate. One thing that really annoyed me was that I was the last to go in and audition, and so because of that I didn't get to finish my song because they were running out of time. In a normal audition this is something I would be ready for, but every other person who went before me not only had the chance to sing through their whole songs (some more than once), but also did scales with the man playing the piano so the teachers could hear their vocal range. But they didn't do that with me, because they were running out of time. But the time we got out of there, we had run over by 45mins. I understand, it happens, that's life, ect, but that doesn't mean I not going to feel like I was cheated out of a more equal shot of getting in.
Then after the audition my mom (and aunt, who wanted to be there for moral support) and I drove around North Van until they found this place my mom's coworker had suggest we grab dinner at. From the outside it looked like this dinky pub, but then we walked in and our mouth's dropped; it looked like a 5-star restaurant in there, lol! And my God, the food. Oh my MMMMmmmmmmmm~ So. Good. I swear the prices were ridiculous, but oh so worth every last penny.
-My musical theatre classes are almost done. I've been really bad about memorizing my lines lol, but only for the last scene! I've spent a good hour this morning already re-memorizing them. And our show is next week! I'm very excited; all three matinées are sold out and the Friday evening show is already half sold out. This will be the first time I've preformed in front of so many people, it's very exciting! (Although 85% of the audience will be local elementary school kids lol)
-I just marathone the first 6 eps of a new anime called HEROMAN. Why would I watch something called HEROMAN of all things? Why, because it was created/written by the great Mr. Stan Lee, of course. And despite it's obvious kid-aimed audience, it's really good. I'm enjoying it quiet a bit, and I have to say I love how it's moving at a fast, steady pace, instead of being full of useless fillers like most Japanese anime, which take 10 episodes just to get to the plot. (Also, I love that everyone is blond, and that the aliens are attacking everywhere, except for Canada. Seriously, that's how it always is, but I'm telling you, one day there's going to be some big alien attack, and they're going to destroy the world, except for Canada, and guess who'll be laughing then, bitches! Hahahahaaa)
- I FOUND A MUSCLE IN MY THIGH!!! Why is this important? BECAUSE I NEVER HAD ONE BEFORE!!! Or rather, I never had a noticeable indent in my thigh indicating there be muscles here arrrrrgh, before. I AM SO VERY HAPPY/EXCITED! And if I am not excepted into Cap, I will definitely be taking ballet again next year because although I do not like it all that much, it has done wonders in toning and strengthening my legs.
-So I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before or not, but I've been saving up for the past few months for a new laptop; and after spening three months last summer test-driving
i_am_krazy's, I've decided to go with a Macbook Pro. I caved in and went with the 15inch instead of the 17inch (which is what I really wanted) because realistically the 17inch is bulkier, heavier, and harder to transport. If I'm going to be dragging that thing around with me every where I go, it needs to actually fit in my backpack or traveling case, y'know?
So on Tuesday I had all my money saved up so I shipped it of to
i_am_krazy who used her super magical I-am-a-student-and-therefore-apple-gives-me-a-discount powers to save me $300 dollars which I am so super grateful for. Thank you hon! And have a safe trip tomorrow, eh? Keep me updated by updating your journal! (she's off to New York for like 3-4 weeks the luck bum.)
-SEASON FINALE OF SUPERNATURAL TONIIIIIGHT~!!!!!! So freaking excited, and yet dreading it at the same time because SPN has always had killer, keep-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat-until-September/October finale's. (except for last season's; I dunno just wasn't all that special to me)
EDIT: Here is some more!
-Four hours after I started writing this entry, I have returned home from an unexpected trip to Langley with my mom. I basically spent the last three hours driving her around everywhere over there, even though I've only been to Langley twice in my entire life and neither times did I drive.
-While over in Langley the mother unit was a dear and bought me a clear, hard protective shell for my beautiful new laptop *loves* and then I also bought a palmguard, which protects the palm rest and trackpad of the laptop (or the area below the keyboard and the thing you use instead of a mouse, for those who didn't know what I was talking about xD). Basically what happens is over time is the trackpad and the palmrest fadefrom use, which can lead to the trackpad loosing sensitivity and the palmrest- well just turning ugly lol. So this will protect it from that, help it to last longer, as well as protect it from corrosion and scratches.
-Have to go get ready for musical theatre. Hopefully the extra memorization I did this morning helped!