Dec 30, 2007 17:40
So after a month and a half of downloading, I'm finally watching Goong. I'm on episode 24 right now; I've been watching the series non-stop, and I'm totally in love~!!!!! -squeals- I'm so sad it's over, I think maybe I shouldn't have watched it over the past 48 hours, lol, because I'm almost done now, but OMG SO WORTH IT!! >w<
I also finally got to watch episode 12 of Avatar, which made me really happy. I hadn't gotten the chance to download it, so when YTV had the marathon I was really happy that I got the chance to watch it!! I'm not going to right my thoughts about it because I know it hasn't aired in the US yet and I don't want to spoil any of you, just in case, but let's just say that I really hope Zuko doesn't fuck-up again because I really don't want Katara to follow through on her threat, especially because 1) I honestly, 100% completely think she meant it, and 2) Now that she knows blood-bending, well I just wouldn't be that surprised if she waited until the full moon to do it. Yeah. -cowers- I KNOW THAT'S KINDA SPOILERY BUT PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!! IT WAS LIKE, THE LAST FIVE SECONDS OF THE EPISODE!!! >x<
Then Yesterday, when I stopped watching Goong, I bussed it to Metro and met Caitlin (aka Sheer) there, and we chilled, bought a bunch of manga from Sakura Media since it was Boxing week and everything was 15% off, then saw Sweeny Todd. Although extremely bloody, it was not very gory. I really liked the movie, especially the songs. What can I say, I'm a sucker for musicals. ;P By the end of it though, (my gawd it was so depressing) I wanted to grab Sasuke out of the manga and make him sit down at watch, just to prove that revenge just ends up getting you and half the fucking population of London, I mean, you and the people you love killed.
I also bothered to catch up on the latest five chapters of the Naruto manga (SO BEWARE THIS PARAGRAPH FOR IT HAS SPOILERS!!!) and I'm so happy to say THANK YOU KISHIMOTO FOR BRINGING BACK MY LOVE FOR YOUR MANGA!!!! Finally after such a long stretch of plot holes, empty-dialouge and drawings, I can almost literally feel that special magic of Kishimoto's back in his manga again. Although I wasn't 100% sure about how the Pein/Jiraiya fight would end, Jiraiya did end up dieing, and the way Kishimoto wrote the dialouge and drew the scenes pulled my heart strings and I felt like I was going to cry. (Of course it doesn't help that I've always secretly had a soft spot for Jiraiya.) It's really hard for me to explain in words what I'm feeling right now, but for those that read Naruto, I'm sure you're bored with how it's been going so far, right? And the Pein/Jiraiya fight just seemed to lack any heart in it and seemed so empty and pointless; I found it incredibly boring and I couldn't wait for the stupid fight to end. But then chapter 382 comes along and suddenly I'm paying rapt attention to everything I'm reading and seeing, and that intense need to know (Who is Pein really? What is that important thing that Itachi has to tell Sasuke?) is reignited, that sense of shock (Jiraiya was the man to give Naruto his name?) at a simple, yet unsuspected event happening. That feeling of being submerged in a story and forgetting for a few minutes that it's not real as you see a character truly and wholly before you, bared naked and stripped of all pretenses and masks they may use to hid behind, and for the first and last time, see that character as a real person, someone with dreams and hopes, who could be your best friend or a neighbour.
And suddenly I find myself inexplicably, utterly and uncontrollably head-over-heels in love with Naruto once again. All I can say to that is it's about God-damn time, Kishimoto, and thank you.
sweeny todd,
naruto ch.382,