YT account

Apr 08, 2011 22:16

Hello !
Long time no see :)

I made this entry to re-share my fanvids, because my Youtube account was deleted, thanks to Johnny Jimusho :(

You all know about help-japan, ne ?
So, I offered some fanvids, and this post resume the fanvids I did.

Thanks you a lot myxstorie !!! You are the winner \o/
Thanks to the second bidder too, hymnia <3
I hope this entry will help you to choose what you want^^

Johnny's fanvids :

Jin dancing in Arashi song

Gatsby cm Jin, Ohno, Maru, Senga, Aiba

Ohno VS Jin

Jun VS Kame

Nino Gatsby cm

Other fanwork (gifs, icons) : please, check my LJ^^

NB : I did some anime and dramas fanvids, but it's so old, I don't have it anymore. Gomen !
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