Title: My Excuse Pairing: Sunggyu and Woohyun (Infinite) Genre: Comedy, light hearted wtf. Rating: PG-13 Lenght: 10 pages Summary: Woohyun can't hit the right notes and Sunggyu gets worried.
Because I want to have you present in these kpop things I do~ And because you're the reason I came to love Infinite so much, damn (thank) you woman! xDDD
You are so freaking amazing! I’m so spazzy because to this. Hehehe…I’m happy to have influenced your love for Infinite, but Infinite did most of the work because they are simply amazing! Oh…and I love their ORI3…just like B2ST, but they seem to be breaking apart these days >< Then again, the boys in B2ST whore around with each other, but in the end we still get ORI3, so I shouldn’t dwell on that
*coughcough* That first panel…without looking at anything else…is a bit suggestive ^___~ that’s my pervy mind going to work But then I see that they are in the studio and Woohyun is singing. OMFG…I love all the details that are put into the studio. Seriously well-done babe. The mic, the guitars, the drums the mix board…everything is so nice! I love the guitar hanging on the wall at the top of page 2
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Oh…I see that you experimented with screentoning starting on page 8. I like the shading on the last panel ;) As I was reading, I was like…it looks different! It adds texture to the page and I’m sure it gives you more options and variety when deciding details. But back to that last panel…Gyu is on a freaking bed! And Woo is smirking at him in the previous panle and then on the next page Woo is bending down next to the bed! Woo is teasing Gyu and Gyu doesn’t look happy in that last panel…he looks like he’s going to attack Woo and I like that fierce look in his eyes. I think something more should happen! Again…I’m deprived of WooGyu smex! But I can imagine them wrestling on the bed in a nonsexual way of course. ;DDDDD
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I first read your whole comment in the car and kept giggling, snorting and shriecking through it all..my mom even asked if there was something wrong with me xD Nuuu, never amazing!!! ;___; you're too benevolent...and too blind lol Hahaha, well yeah, I guess Infinite themselves are to blame a bit. ¬///¬ Aish, it's true, infi ORI3 aren't as all over each other as last year but...they still have some tiny moments ç_ç way too tiny...why everyone whores around?
*looks at first pic with Jae mind mode ON* HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA what the hell. It really is a bit suggestive. Pff. I'm surprised I didn't stop to think about it 8D
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Okay...If I say they'll be wrestling in a sexual way in the end, what could happen to you??? O_O lol I shouldn't play with your withdrawal syndrome xD;;; (WTF) Pfff you so cute.
HAHHA again with the perfect faces! NO xD Yes, you can pinch them >w< awwww, really? Adorable, REALLY?? xDD Yay for ice princess Myungsoo, lol. Glad you approve. I laughed out loud at the just chillin', god, can he be any more gangsta? (??xD
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Because I want to have you present in these kpop things I do~
And because you're the reason I came to love Infinite so much, damn (thank) you woman! xDDD
Miss you a lot ;_;
You are so freaking amazing! I’m so spazzy because to this. Hehehe…I’m happy to have influenced your love for Infinite, but Infinite did most of the work because they are simply amazing! Oh…and I love their ORI3…just like B2ST, but they seem to be breaking apart these days >< Then again, the boys in B2ST whore around with each other, but in the end we still get ORI3, so I shouldn’t dwell on that
*coughcough* That first panel…without looking at anything else…is a bit suggestive ^___~ that’s my pervy mind going to work But then I see that they are in the studio and Woohyun is singing. OMFG…I love all the details that are put into the studio. Seriously well-done babe. The mic, the guitars, the drums the mix board…everything is so nice! I love the guitar hanging on the wall at the top of page 2 ( ... )
I first read your whole comment in the car and kept giggling, snorting and shriecking through it all..my mom even asked if there was something wrong with me xD
Nuuu, never amazing!!! ;___; you're too benevolent...and too blind lol
Hahaha, well yeah, I guess Infinite themselves are to blame a bit. ¬///¬
Aish, it's true, infi ORI3 aren't as all over each other as last year but...they still have some tiny moments ç_ç way too tiny...why everyone whores around?
*looks at first pic with Jae mind mode ON*
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA what the hell. It really is a bit suggestive. Pff. I'm surprised I didn't stop to think about it 8D ( ... )
Pfff you so cute.
HAHHA again with the perfect faces! NO xD
Yes, you can pinch them >w< awwww, really? Adorable, REALLY?? xDD
Yay for ice princess Myungsoo, lol. Glad you approve.
I laughed out loud at the just chillin', god, can he be any more gangsta? (??xD ( ... )
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