Title: Konbae (Cheers)
Pages: 19 - 27
Pairing: Junseung.
Rating: PG-13 (NC-17 in 4 updates *troll*)
Genre: Angst, retardness.
Comments: Sorry for the dramatic soapy ending, crappy faces and etc xD
Summary: Hyunseung's been acting cold lately.
Why the hell I didn't ask further? )
"Sex on the beach"! xDD
Luv ya JAENII!!
I’m going to NY in October for the KPOP concert that is being held there as far as the articles say But my roomie and I are forcing our best friends to go with us so there will be four of us and neither of our friends are as into KPOP as we are. Well…all day today I’ve pushed her friend into listening to KPOP and watching videos and she is starting FANGIRL…the spazzes are happening and she is already dancing to songs. I love how contagious it can be. I just need to get my BFF into it too and we can all fangirl together. ^__^ We are already talking about camping out in line to get really close to ( ... )
Epic review as usual...you commented EVERY page??! O///O omo
*__* I can't help smile tenderly at imagining you whine. I can really frustrate you huh? ¬¬;;
I make my semes rude and coward 8D so unoriginal...
You leave your phone on the whole night? It can be worse than an alarm clock xD
Hara is right on time to make a mess!! Of course you knew! You're awesome as that :D
Yep yep, Jun is starting to realize half-something and you make me bounce when you love their faces >w< ♥
Pfff Jae plus bird's nest equals WIN. I'd so want to see that 8D
Yesh, lame excuses make plot get angsty. Seungie must be the wittiest person ever after waking up o_o;
Yay!! You caught the reaction progress perfectly!!! *excited*
I wonder why my Seung doesn't look always like in 23's middle pannel xD
Creeper? LOL I'm sorry Junnie, wasn't my intention but he does look a bit in creeper style after second glance o_oHahaa "spell it out". I feel you want to suffocate Junhyung for his density right now 8D ( ... )
Well, Jaeni, twin of my heart, I hope your return to the dorm was flawless!! And that you're spreading your incombustible optimistic vibes through the campus once again xD
Haa~ your lovely International Students! What's better than spent free time with them huh? ç__ç
Mm...I should feel proud to be chosen to occupy your scarce free time too >////< (let's meet for a coffee)
Hey, I can totally understand them for wanting to make up for it, time with you is the best investment!
Have fun for me okay? xD When I first read those news I automatically thought of you ^_____ ( ... )
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