I dun even know anymore. Fics, pics, webpages, friends, school, _life_, it's all burying me down. Not to mention every time I _breathe_ in this house, my head gets bitten off! I just woke up this morning, and my mom walked in and aimed for the jugular! Okay, not literally, but you know what I mean. I had been awake for a few seconds, and I get the beef!
I dunno why I even try anymore.
*shrug* But the good news is all the angst my family puts me through makes me inspired to write more on Jaded Eyes.
Yokubo: Better tell why- they might think you're turning it into a Mary Sue or some'n.
*horrified at the prospect* I haven't written a Mary Sue in... *thinks* wow, am I that old?
Theo: *sniggers*
*glares and hits Theo into L.E.O.*
Sandy: ^^;
*ahem* Besides that point, what happens when I get depressed/angsty/angry/etc. is that my mind gets deviously creative. Don't believe me? Ask my family! They'll tell you that they know when I'm pissed mainly because I'm near the kitchen reading my Deadly Poisons book around dinnertime.
I'm the first to admit the original beginning for JE _sucked_! Not just sucked, but swallowed. Sam loved it and refused to let me change anything on it, but Lee is unbiased enough to point out that it sounded like bad Muggle evidence, and not magical.
I conceded, thus why Jaded Eyes is down and being redrafted into one huge oneshot, instead of a multi-chapter. I'm female, thus I can multi-task, but two multi-chapters at the same time is too much. ^_^ Hey, I get great ideas for how Harry is found guilty, ne?
Yokubo: How would they know?
*eyebrow twitches* You're asking for it, Yok.
Yokubo: *wisely shuts up*
What else? ... oh, right! I CAN DRAW AGAIN!!!
Albeit, it's downright awful, but it's more than a stick figure and a basket-ball head! I was inspired by a SimPeople Skin I saw *cooes* An Ed kitty skin, based off of Edward on Fullmetal Alchemist! So kawaii!! ^^; well, the little snippet they had up on their page about the skin (it's in japanese, and doesn't say much of anything about the skin itself, just that they're working on it) made it stick in my head, so I had to draw it down.
^^; didn't work out, so I drew a little comic. A three frame comic, yes, but it's something! I'm gonna try and scan it tomorrow at college and get it up on my website! I'm sure Shi-dude is sick and tired of me shaking her upside down for pics to post... since she's not posting snippets at the moment.
I would give Frankie the third degree for some new stuff, but she's busy in real life at the moment. *gives a considering look to
pcan* Hmmm....
I dunno if I told anyone, but guest work is always appreciated. I'd be happy to host a fic, pic, sims lots or skins, whatever, if you don't wanna deal with the stress of working a webpage. Just make sure it's not a gazillion megabites big; I don't have my own domain quite yet ^^; gimme three more years, max.
Oh, and one last thing: I put up a tagboard on my homepage, so if someone sees a mistake somewhere, they can just tag it to let me know, instead of being lazy and not telling me because it's too much trouble to email me.
Theo: When you put it that way, it's sad.
Isn't it?
Yokubo: Yes, indeed, Lady Mistress. There are a lot more people out there who are like you than we ever knew about before.
*grinds teeth and a vein bulged* Yooookuuuuboooooo~!
Yokubo: *gets rubber chickened to Utah*
Sandy: ^^;
Yeah, mebbe that was a bit cruel for me, since the damn muse is practically a succubus.
What lupe are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Muses: *snigger and rofltao*
*makes-akane-tendou-whimper-i-am-so-beyond-pissed-off-and-enraged aura appears*
Muses: MEEP!
Sandy: ^^;
*snap* *dangles Sandy over a box of moths*
Yokubo: This could be called muse abuse.
It's owner abuse when all you guys do is bring me down!
Theo: But it's so easy to do!
Sandy: *nods* ^^;;;;;;;;;;;
=_=; muses for sale.