Writer's Block: Spoilers Below the Cut

Jan 30, 2009 15:53

Have you ever ruined the ending or given away plot developments in a book, movie, or tv show by telling someone who hasn't seen or read it what happens? Has anyone ever done this to you?

Yes. *stares off into direction of Britain* Lee Shiro, the brat, was online after I bought the 5th Harry Potter book. I told her I had just got it, and she immediately told me the end. Apparently we lost translation between buying it and having read it. I tried to read it, but only got about three chapters in before I realized I couldn't enjoy it anymore. So, even though I have the whole collection, I haven't gotten any further than the 5th book because of her. I'm hoping that eventually I'll catch enough of the bug again to pick it up and finish it, and then move on to the rest of the books. Yes, she has apologized, but there are some words one can't just take back, and that includes the end of a book! I got even with her, though. *evil grins*

writer's block

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