Jun 04, 2008 08:35
Yah, been a while, huh? Life comes at you fast and all that jazz. I'm actually going to bed in a while but decided to get this off my chest. Can never sleep with a to-do list in my head.
Graduation will have to wait another year (d0h!) and with it transfering out of my safety zone (w00t!). I heard that Frankie. Don't think I didn't. You don't look innocent to me! She and her mom is always on my case about hating change. I like change just fine, but I, like any other person out there, also like my comforts and routines. Well, that and any choice I make about my future must include my mom since she will not survive my grandmother. They'd kill each other. No, seriously, I think they would.
But I digress. I failed my computer class (big surprise 9_9) and it's a class I need to graduate. So, later this week (or next, depending on appointment scheduling) I'm going back to my advisor and find out what other classes I can take to make up for it. I will not repeat that computer class. Easy because I know the material, you say? HAH! I took it because it seemed like a beginners class on working on your computer. I was expecting DOS and networking at most. It wasn't until after I couldn't get out that I found out most of the students had two years of engineering classes before tackling this one because IT INVOLVED PROGRAMMING WITH C++!
Thus, the teacher expected us to take to it like a duck to water. I took to it like a deformed duck shot from the sky. I did well for the first three programs, then it all just fell apart. Then I fell apart because it was the semester I was STUPID enough to take 8 classes total. I was so happy when Christmas Break came.
I also have to think about where I'm going. Frankie mentioned one college, and despite how much I wanna move out of state (I was even offered something in France!) I need to stay in state, at least for a while longer. I was thinking Alaska, but I don't know if my knees could take it (have metal in knees, hurts like an SOB when bad weather hits).
Y'know how when your brain registers it being night it produces melatonin to make you sleep? I think my brain works opposite and lets out the melatonin when I see daylight. I seem to hybernate most of the summer away, and I doubt it's a teenager thing since I'm 24 now, and can fall asleep in the car when in direct sunlight. It's a given if I'm in the backseat. In Alaska, it wouldn't be as much of a problem! And I'll bet there'll be plenty of job opportunities for an English teacher up there!
Until then, I'll hope that I get to work in workshops since I don't have the temperment to handle kids, teenagers in general disgust me, and I need a higher degree to teach college level.
Kinda sad how my grandmother reacted when she saw how teenagers and pre-teens are in our area. She said she was afraid that these people would take over the world when she was dead. I reminded her I was stuck with them for life. At least she'd get the easy way out. Somehow, she took that wrong and wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the day. It was one of the most peaceful, unstressful days of my life.