[doujinshi] An almost damaged anniversary.

Nov 14, 2010 00:54

Title: An almost damaged anniversary.
Genre: fluffy?
Rating: G
Pair: none
Disclaimer: They belong to themselves, and the group NEWS to JE.
Summary: The members of NEWS are preparing a surprise party for Tegoshi, but Masu made a mistake that could end up with their plans.
A/N:  I started doing this doujinshi before of the Tegoshi's anniversary. But as I was VERY busy, I just finished it today. ç_ç And it is a SIMPLE style of doujinshi, sorry.

ps: some mistakes are repaired now.





If you want download all, click HERE. ♥

★ PLEASE, don't re-post it without credit.
★ How do you put credit? On LJ put <*lj user="kuramachan5"> (without the *)
or another site put my journal's link. (http://kuramachan5.livejournal.com)
★ DON'T edit the drawing.
★ If you take, PLEASE, leave a comment. Comments are pure love. <3

And if you enjoy, comment too! I'll like so much. ♫

I wish to you everything good. You're so talented and beautiful, keep you being a good people. :3

je: tegoshi yuya, fanart: doujinshi, fanart, other: birthday, je: news

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