The Secret Coconut Fanfic Exchange: Round 4 Sign-Ups Open

Aug 23, 2011 15:15

The Secret Coconut is a multifandom fanfic exchange hosted at stseiya_fanfics. Yu Yu Hakusho is one of our Featured Fandoms, and Kurama/Botan fans are more than welcome to participate. :-)

Fanfics written for the Secret Coconut only need to be 800 words long. However, we do accept--and love--longer stories as well.

Our fic exchange offers all participants the possibility to choose their own assignments, as long as they act fast when the prompt claiming phase begins. Please click here for more details, rules and the exchange's full schedule. Then, click here to sign up and submit your prompts. If you're curious, you can also click here to see what our participants have been requesting. We already have some Yu Yu Hakusho prompts, but there's always room for more.

If you like the idea of exchanging fanfics with other Kurama/Botan fans in a friendly environment, consider signing up for the Secret Coconut.

Hope to see you there! ^__^
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