This is a story about drunk!Kame and his dear pot told by Miura Shouhei in Downtown DX.
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Brief translation;
Miura Shohei said on Downtown DX just now that the other time he went over to Kame's to have shabu shabu, they drank a lot and got kinda drunk. Kame had showed him an aroma pot that kame really liked and miura accidentally broke it. kame was all "Oh, it's alright, don't worry about it" and they went to sleep. The next morning, kame was all "it's broken!" he had totally forgotten. Miura apologized again and kame said not to worry, but? he was still a little pissed about it.
Credit to Rosa81288@Youtube
All i can say is CUTE xDDDD
Imagine he is pouting, cute! *flails*
He wants to angry but can't really do that coz he already said it was okay, hahaha..
Kame being possesive to aroma pot LOL
His house must be smell nice ne~