My very first meme :D
Actually I'd done this weeks ago but don't know why I feel so reluctant to post it.
I owe
prologuesized this meme. Sorry this is soooo late :/
1st: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any questions that you dislike with a new, original question.
2nd: Tag eight sexy people. And if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do!!
- Favorite song right now? Burning In The Skies by Linkin Park and Telephone by Lady Gaga featuring Beyonce. I was kind of bored my own playlist that contain mostly japanese and korean songs so I tried to find songs with different feeling. I knew that songs from random recommendation. I download it and I love it! I like to hear my own voice when I sing along that LP song LOL
- Last album bought/downloaded? last album downloaded was Thousand Suns by LP. I still can’t say whether I like it or not. Too busy listening to Burning In The Skies only ;P
- Things that are super-annoying at the moment? THESIS. God, I’m sick of it!!
- Something you're excited/obsessive about lately? Kamenashi Kazuya. He has been my obsession for too long. I wonder why it still so strong until now. Maybe it’s because he’s too georgeous and adorable that it’s hard to resist him ♥
- The last time you said/wrote something that didn't make any sense? I don’t know/remember *shrugs*
- Something you've done that you're proud about? making wallpapers using photoshop, hahaha.. I usually make one using corel photopaint. At first, it was a hell of confussions for me using that program. But now my skills are getting better. I’m so proud of myself when I finish one :D
- Your escape? 1st is fandom. Reading new (good) infos, translations, and people’s flails about kame really makes me happy. Downloading new video that contain kame’s adorable-ness is just what I need in my stressful days. Sadly there’s not much right now, except GSN which I don’t understand much. I want to watch new subbed Kame/KATTUN variety show. 2nd is my best friends. it’s really comfortable spending time with them. I love them ♥
- Your most cherished posessions? My laptop. It’s really important for me.
- The most random thing you've received? Cherry. A long time ago my childhood friend came to my house and gave me one pretty-red cherry. She just went home after that, hahahaha..
- Favorite clothes? T-shirt. The reason is because it’s comfortable to wear.
- If you could kill any animal what would it be and why? cockroach. I don’t understand why that disgusting insect always come to my room. I never failed to clean my room everyday. And that thing still come! why?!
- Worst drama you've ever seen? Samurai High School (?). Maybe it’s not the worst, but I've tried to watch it months ago and still can’t finish it 'till now. I don’t like the plot.
- Best way to relax? lying in my bed while listening to good musics and not having things to worry.
- Are there any bits of childhood that you miss? I miss playing all day and doing silly things. Big part of me never want to grow up. Being adult is scary thing for me :/
- Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall? There’s only 2 seasons in my country, dry and rain season. I love rain season! ♥ It calm my mood. I love watching it and feel the fresh wind. It’s raining at the moment in my place :)
- Say this to the person who tagged you? Sorry this is so late.
aishayue cease11 lenten_rose ohryouchipi risuka_hime rydion9 sheenalinh kame_kuchizuke1 PS. Change Ur World is AWESOME! ♥