Oct 31, 2005 04:57
it dawned on me just now that I don't have the balls to stand up and say what the hell it is I want to say to you. "fuck you" would be right up there on the list, but i want everyone to know the truth about how you fucked me over. maybe by the end of this entry I will have the gall to type your name out, thereby doing two things, one, April won't think this is how i feel about her (although I nicked myself with a curved blade when it came to her, too) but to provoke you to say the things to me, that you say to everyone else when i am turned around. this is so far from an acute and very petty occasional "back-stabbing" that you never fail to take down from your trophy rack and shine-up for show and tell; this is an attempt on my part, to finally settle a score that i had thought was evened until now.
go ahead and say something, I fucking dare you. i realized that faggots, i mean alcoholics, I mean motherfucking, two faced, Donald Duck sound-alikes that smear blue on their face like its a fucking "facial cleanser" ... shit, i got all worked up and now i forgot what i was going to say... oh yeah! i think that i was going to set up some kind of an intellectual metaphor about how bad of a person you really are- and don't you fucking contest that you have wings and a halo, besides the pair that you more than probably keep in a black shoe box under your bed titled, "TO BE OPENED ONLY IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY DATE," you fucking false pietistic bitch! -i love knowing the fact that you just clicked over to your book-marked page of "dictionary.com," muttering in your faggy voice, "fuckin' pisces."-
Wow do I love having all of this blank space for me conjure up the mud that you thought would never surface.
you probably think this shit is hard for me to come up with, huh? but knowing you, the foam building at the corners of your mouth, smearing your "cosmetics," (dan, honestly, its fucking face-paint) is a much more likely wager... I just did something that I could never have done before, concerning you that is. I spoke my mind, and i said it in a way that wouldn't extricate myself from the Oh-So-abominable wrath of your inessential lies.
Oh, big bad fucking me though! I can only target the things about you that are skin-deep and -insert gay voice fx- "materialistic." Do you think that you would even stop to think about the simple processes that are compelling me to do this? for instance, why do I keep on calling you -A FUCKING FAGGOT!- Well that one is really simple; because I am not -and i'll spell it out for your big gay ears- G-A-Y!!! But faggots have very selective hearing, especially when their sex drive is involved! (right about here dan is where Carlos M. pops up and yells "Duh Duh Duh Deeeeehhhrrrrr!")
And don't get me wrong, this isn't all about you and your one-sided stories that make you seem like the little sweet and innocent little fish fucker that you are, whereas I come away smelling like week old salmon, and I have no clue why people's nostrils are turned up at me, and then it hits me...
duh-duh duuuh duh-deeeeeeeehr
Isn't it fun dan. Knowing that you smell like rotting fish all the time and the reason that you put other people down behind their back's, like um- Catie, or Jen, or even that bi-sexual chick at Sammy's party that you gave a hug to and then moments later, when she was out of ear shot of course, affirmed the host's opinion that she was ugly with a nasty little pun (by the way, "anonymous bi-sexual girl, "Dan said it, not me), or even any person that you use day-to-day to patch up the holes where your self-esteem is rotting away. "It's because I'm a pisces! We are sensitive!" Yeah, the only thing you are sensitive towards is your skin, and you still come away looking like something from a really bad LSD trip at the circus.
It's ironic how someone can say that they are the most sensitive person you have ever met, then a couple of fake tears, maybe from a bubbler at CHS, and you actually believe them. But the true irony is that while people every day, like you dan, are running around, grabbing the world by the balls using their "Hyper-Sensitivity" or "Gender identity" as a steel vice (or in your case, a friggin' lack of identity -another Mencia moment-), you go out of your way to make friends that will believe you are some kind of a deep, "cosmically in tune," sensitive um... fag, only for you to in turn cut them to shreds, to the first ear that you can bend!
Look back at all of the peoples lives that you have made for the worse because of your slander. How the fuck do you live with yourself?
I chose to say all of this because I finally could. I said in an open forum for the sake of confidence... No, thats a fucking lie. I said it, because I want every person that reads this to know that you for once were forced into wearing a face that you try to hide behind every day. I want for everyone who reads this to know that the minute you give a compliment to them, its to justify saying ten bad things about them when they turn away. I want you to feel like the fool, that you will never admit to knowing, that you know you are..... Fish fucker.